ID Label
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG3_EN Figure 1.3: Terms of trade in selected resource-rich countries
AEO2012_CH6_FIG40 Annex I Figure 40: African youth in urban and rural areas by country income
SNA_TABLE7_SNA93 7. Labour input by activity, SNA93
EO80_TRADE Economic Outlook No 80 - December 2006 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
TEC5_REV4 V - TEC by commodity groups (CPC)
NONTAX Non-tax revenue and grants
REGION_LABOUR Regional Labour
EO03_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 03 - June 1968 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PERS_OCCUP R-D personnel by sector of employment and occupation
EO70_TRADE Economic Outlook No 70 - December 2001 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
AEO2012_CH6_FIG37 Figure 37: AEO country experts’ rating of labour regulations as obstacles to youth
AEO2012_CH6_FIG36 Figure 36: Unemployed and discouraged youth with plans for a business by country income group
AEO2012_CH6_FIG39 Annex I Figure 39: Education levels among 15-24 year old Africans
AEO2012_CH6_FIG38 Figure 38: Initiatives targeting youth employment
AEO2012_CH6_FIG33 Figure 33: Employers’ expectations are a challenge for youth entering the job market
AEO2012_CH6_FIG32 Figure 32: Firms offering training to its employees in Africa and the world
AEO2012_CH6_FIG35 Figure 35: Where do you want to work, assuming equal pay and benefits?
AEO2012_CH6_FIG34 Figure 34: Self-reported reasons for not working among unemployed and discouraged youth
TENURE_AVE Employment by job tenure intervals - average tenure
ETCR Regulation in energy, transport and communications 2013
ENV_ENVPOL_SVG SVG - Instruments used for environmental policy
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB4_PT Tabela 6.4a: Desembolsos brutos de APD (definição CAD/OCDE) de Parceiros Tradicionais, 2009 (mil….
BSI Balance sheet and income
GENDER_EDU Education
G_FUNCTION_AMOUNTS Earmarked Intergovernmental Grants by Function
REVAUS Details of Tax Revenue - Australia
TEC7_REV4 VII - TEC by ownership (domestic or foreign)
MON20123_5 2012 L) OECD countries : Composition of Producer Support Estimate by country
REVAUT Details of Tax Revenue - Austria
MON20123_6 2012 N) OECD countries : Characteristics of policy support by country
EO Economic Outlook No 97 - June 2015
FISH_AQUA Production from aquaculture
MON20123_3 2012 H) OECD countries : General Services Support Estimate by country
MON20123_4 2012 J) OECD countries : Total Support Estimate by country
MON20123_1 2012 D) OECD countries : Producer Support Estimate by country
MON20123_2 2012 F) OECD countries : Consumer Support Estimate by country
PT_CH5_TAB3 2012 Tabela 5.3: Índice de Percepção da corrupção (CPI) por Transparency International 2010/12
QNA Quarterly National Accounts
REVEST Details of Tax Revenue - Estonia
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG12_EN Figure 1.15: Current account and fiscal balance in oil-exporting countries
SNA_TABLE9B_SNA93 9B. Balance sheets for non-financial assets, SNA93
EO82_TRADE Economic Outlook No 82 - December 2007 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
MON2011CSCT 2011 V) OECD countries : Consumer Single Commodity Transfers
EO97_OUTLOOK97 Economic Outlook No 97 - June 2015 - OLIS version
TEC10_REV4 X - TEC by partner countries and size-class
ROVERAGE Students aligned to finance and personnel data
CSE_2010 2010 -D- Consumer Support Estimate and related indicators by country
ULC_QUA Quarterly benchmarked Unit Labour Cost indicators - By economic activity
EO78_TRADE Economic Outlook No 78 - December 2005 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
AFA_IN3 Inward activity of multinationals by industrial sector (manufacturing) - ISIC Rev 3
PT_CH6_BOX9 2012 Caixa 9: Taxas de inscrição no ensino secundário e terciário, por região do mundo
PT_CH6_BOX6 2012 Caixa 6: Dinâmica de assentamento e criação de emprego rural na África Ocidental
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG3_EN Figure 6.3: Shares of emerging and traditional partners in Africa’s trade from 1992 to 2009 (in ….
PPPGDP Purchasing Power Parities for GDP and related indicators
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER5_FIG2_EN Figure 5.2: Political hardening index 1996-2010 (base year 1996 = 100)
REVGTM Details of Tax Revenue - Guatemala
REVISR Details of Tax Revenue - Israel
EO73_TRADE Economic Outlook No 73 - June 2003 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
REVITA Details of Tax Revenue - Italy
SOCX_AGG Social Expenditure - Aggregated data
EO97_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 97 - June 2015 - OECD Annual Projections
EO22_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 22 - December 1977 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG2_PT Figura 1.2: Situação económica actual em África e expectativas para os próximos seis meses
EO70_MAIN Economic Outlook No 70 - December 2001 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EO17_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 17 - June 1975 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
FDI_POS_AGGR FDI positions, main aggregates BMD4
PNN_NEW Funded Pension Statistics
BTD_ED_2010 STAN Bilateral Trade 2010
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB8_B_PT Tabela 6.8b: Distribuição das importações africanas por tipo de parceiro (2009, em percentagem)
EO92_FLASHFILE_EO92 Economic Outlook No 92 - December 2012 - Flash file
EO29_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 29 - June 1981 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EO74_TRADE Economic Outlook No 74 - December 2003 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
MON2012CSCT_EE 2012 W) Emerging Economies: Consumer Single Commodity Transfers
REVGRC Details of Tax Revenue - Greece
ANBERD2011_REV3 STAN R&D expenditures in Industry (ISIC Rev. 3)
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_FIG1_PT Figura 2.1: Fluxos de IDE e APD em África 2000-11 (milhares de milhões de USD, preços correntes)
EO66_MAIN Economic Outlook No 66 - December 1999 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB3_EN Table 6.3: FDI flows to selected African countries over the last decade, by country of origin (i….
FDI_POS_IND_TEMP_A FDI positions by industry - Template A
EPER Environmental protection expenditure and revenues
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER4_TAB1_EN Table 4.1: Growth and inequality elasticities of poverty (USD 1.25 in 2005 PPP)
ENVPERFINDIC_TAD_2008 Environmental Performance of Agriculture 2008
MON20123_7 2012 P) OECD countries : Composition of General Services Support Estimate
GERD_FUNDS Gross domestic expenditure on R-D by sector of performance and source of funds
SNA_TABLE720R 720. Financial balance sheets - non consolidated - SNA 2008
REVKOR Details of Tax Revenue - Korea
TAXAUTO Tax autonomy
PT_TAB1_AEO2013 Tabela 1: Indicadores Macroeconómicos 2013
CSP2012 Factbook Country Statistical Profiles - 2013 edition
FDI_POS_CTRY FDI positions by partner country BMD4
PART2 Part 2 - Innovation as change in classrooms and schools
EO61_MAIN Economic Outlook No 61 - June 1997 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AWCOU Country tables (current model)
EO84_MAIN Economic Outlook No 84 - December 2008 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AIR_EMISSIONS Emissions of air pollutants
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG11_PT Figura 6.11: Dívida africana pós-PPAE (Dívida externa/ rácios PIB, 1995-2009)
SNA_TABLE9A_SNA93 9A. Fixed assets by activity and by asset, ISIC rev4, SNA93
DIOC_FIELD_STUDY Immigrants by field of study
EO73_MAIN Economic Outlook No 73 - June 2003 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
REGION_SOCIAL Regional Social and Environmental indicators
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG6_EN Figure 1.6: World economic growth
CS Capital Services by Type of Asset
FIGURE1_N_AEO2013 Figure 1: Real GDP Growth 2013 (North)
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB4_EN Table 4: Public finances (percentage of GDP)
TEC4_REV4 IV - TEC by number of partner countries
AWCOMP Taxing Wages - Comparative tables
EO78_MAIN Economic Outlook No 78 - December 2005 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
DACDEFL GeoBook: Deflators
GVC_INDICATORS OECD Global Value Chains indicators - May 2013
EO37_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 37 - June 1985 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
FDI_POS_PARTNER_TEMP_A FDI positions by partner country - Template A
EO79_TRADE Economic Outlook No 79 - June 2006 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
REVCRI Details of Tax Revenue - Costa Rica
IDD Income Distribution and Poverty
MON2013_REFERENCE_TABLE 2013 ) Monitoring and evaluation : Reference Tables
PATS_IPC Patents by technology
MFP Multi-factor Productivity
FIGURE1_W_AEO2013 Figure 1: Real GDP growth 2013 (West)
HEALTH_LVNG Non-Medical Determinants of Health
EO77_MAIN Economic Outlook No 77 - June 2005 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PAC_REVCOL Details of Tax Revenue - Colombia
RFOREIGN Foreign / international students enrolled
EO91_LTB Economic Outlook No 91 - June 2012 - Long-term baseline projections
EO92_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 92 - December 2012 - OECD Annual Projections
NAAG_2009 National Accounts at a Glance - 2009 edition
REVPAN Details of Tax Revenue - Panama
MON2011PSCT_EE 2011 T) Emerging Economies: Producer Single Commodity Transfers
POP_PROJ Historical population data and projections (1950-2050)
MON20123_6EE 2012 O) Emerging Economies: Characteristics of policy support by country
MON2012PSCT_O 2012 R) OECD : Producer Single Commodity Transfers
MON20123_4EE 2012 K) Emerging Economies: Total Support Estimate by country
OECD_TSE2010 2010 -A- OECD Total Support Estimate
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG9_EN Figure 1.12: Export prices of agricultural products (base January 2000 = 100)
PDB_GR Growth in GDP per capita, productivity and ULC
STAN_IO_INTERM_M STAN Input-Output Intermediate Import Ratio
EO65_TRADE Economic Outlook No 65 - June 1999 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
REG_INNO_TL2 Innovation Indicators
PPP2008 2008 PPP Benchmark results
REG_INNO_TL3 Innovation Indicators TL3
EO06_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 06 - December 1969 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
RTA_STIO Revealed technology advantage in selected fields
PPP2005 2005 PPP Benchmark results
SURVEYDATA Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration
FIXINCLSA Benefits, Taxes and Wages - Net Incomes
EO23_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 23 - June 1978 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
MON2012PSCT 2012 S) OECD countries : Producer Single Commodity Transfers
AIR_GHG Greenhouse gas emissions
STAN08BIS STAN Database for Structural Analysis
MEI_CTRY_WEIGHTS Prices country weights
DIOC_DURATION_STAY Immigrants by duration of stay
QASA_TABLE7PSD Public Sector Debt, consolidated, nominal value
EO60_TRADE Economic Outlook No 60 - December 1996 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
EO72_MAIN Economic Outlook No 72 - December 2002 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG6_PT Figura 1.6: Crescimento Económico Mundial
SNGF Subnational government finance
BERD_COST Business enterprise R-D expenditure by industry and by type of cost
PAT_COL_RATES Patents - International collaboration in technology development (rates)
FISH_FLD Foreign landings in domestic ports
AMNE_IN_PARTNER Inward activity of multinationals by investing country - ISIC Rev 4
NAAG_2013 National Accounts at a Glance - 2013 edition
NAAG_2014 National Accounts at a Glance-2014
NAAG_2011 National Accounts at a Glance - 2011 edition
RGRADSTY Graduates by field of education
NAAG_2010 National Accounts at a Glance - 2010 edition
EO76_TRADE Economic Outlook No 76 - December 2004 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
PPP2011 2011 PPP Benchmark results
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG9_PT Figura 6.9: Exportações africanas de bens manufacturados (1995-2009)
MEI_CLI Composite Leading Indicators (MEI)
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB3_PT Tabela 3: Componentes da Procura
GREEN_GROWTH Green Growth Indicators
GERD_OBJECTIVE_NABS2007 Gross domestic expenditure on R-D by sector of performance and socio-economic objective in NABS2007
REVISL Details of Tax Revenue - Iceland
DIOC_SECTOR Immigrants by sector
PGI_7IA Annual institutional investors - Template B
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB4_EN Table 6.4a: ODA gross disbursements (OECD DAC definition) from traditional partners, 2009 (in mi….
REVIRL Details of Tax Revenue - Ireland
MEI_PRICES_PPI Producer Prices (MEI)
EO54_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 54 - December 1993 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
REVPER Details of Tax Revenue - Peru
QNA_TRAINING Quarterly National Accounts - Training
DP_STAGING_TEST Staging Cube - Test
FDI_POS_IND FDI positions by industry BMD4
MON20113_1EE 2011 E) Emerging Economies: Producer Support Estimate by country
EO52_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 52 - December 1992 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PGI_Q_F_STCKS Financial balance sheets - non-consolidated (Quarterly)
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_TAB1_PT Tabela 1.2: Tendências Demográficas em África (milhões pessoas)
BPF1 Income Statement and Balance Sheet (New)
EO08_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 08 - December 1970 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EO84_FLASHFILE_EO84 Economic Outlook No 84 - December 2008 - Flash file
SSIS_BSC_ISIC4 SDBS Structural Business Statistics (ISIC Rev. 4)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB2_PT Tabela 6.2: Parcela dos parceiros tradicionais e emergentes nas importações, exportações e comér….
MON20113_3EE 2011 I) Emerging Economies: General Services Support Estimate by country
REVVEN Details of Tax Revenue - Venezuela
EO75_MAIN Economic Outlook No 75 - June 2004 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AFA_OUT3_PARTNER Outward activity of multinationals by country of location - ISIC Rev 3
ENV_ENVPOLICY Instruments used for environmental policy
REVARG Details of Tax Revenue - Argentina
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB8_B_EN Table 6.8b: Distribution of Africa’s imports by types of partners (2009, in percentage)
UN_DEN Trade Union Density
EO18_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 18 - December 1975 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
HEALTH_PHMC Pharmaceutical Market
FISH_INLAND Inland fisheries
REVCZE Details of Tax Revenue - Czech Republic
EO83_TRADE Economic Outlook No 83 - June 2008 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
WATER_QUALITY Lake and river quality
PGI_A_F_TRNSCTN Financial transactions - non consolidated (Annual)
FSS Survey on Donors Forward Spending Plans
EO72_TRADE Economic Outlook No 72 - December 2002 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
BTDIXE_I4 STAN Bilateral Trade in Goods by Industry and End-use (BTDIxE), ISIC Rev.4
REVECU Details of Tax Revenue - Ecuador
BTDIXE_I3 STAN Bilateral Trade in Goods by Industry and End-use (BTDIxE), ISIC Rev.3
EO79_MAIN Economic Outlook No 79 - June 2006 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
FISH_EMPL Employment in fisheries
MON2015_REFERENCE_TABLE 2015 ) Monitoring and evaluation : Reference Tables
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG2_EN Figure 1.2: Assessment of Africa’s current economic situation and expectations for the next six ….
EO50_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 50 - December 1991 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AFA_CALC_OUT3 Outward activity of multinationals - Share in national total (manufacturing)
CHAPTER_A_EAG2014_NEW The output of educational institutions and the impact of learning (Chapter A)
DEC_I Decile ratios of gross earnings
STAN_INDICATORS_2005 STAN Indicators 2005
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG8_PT Figura 1.11: Preço do cobre e do alumínio (base: Janeiro de 2000)
SNA_TABLE12_SNA93 12. Government deficit/surplus, revenue, expenditure and main aggregates, SNA93
EO42_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 42 - December 1987 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EO46_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 46 - December 1989 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PT_TABLE4_AEO2012 Tabela 4: Balança Corrente (em percentagem do PIB) 2012
BERD_INDUSTRY Business enterprise R-D expenditure by industry
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER4_TAB1_PT Tabela 4.1: Elasticidades da pobreza em termos de crescimento e desigualdade (1.25 USD de acordo….
STAN_INDICATORS_2009 STAN Indicators 2009
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG7_PT Figura 1.10: Preço do petróleo e do ouro (base: Janeiro de 2000)
EPL_CD Strictness of employment protection - collective dismissals (additional restrictions)
MA_I Incidence of marginally attached workers
MA_D Marginally attached workers
AFA_IN3_MANUF Inward activity of multinationals by investing country, total manufacturing - ISIC Rev 3
LAC_REVMEX Details of Tax Revenue - Mexico
SNA_TABLE620 620. Financial accounts - non consolidated
SNA_TABLE5_SNA93 5. Final consumption expenditure of households, SNA93
SNA_TABLE3_SNA93 3. Population and employment by main activity, SNA93
EO91_FLASHFILE_EO91 Economic Outlook No 91 - June 2012 - Flash file
SNA_TABLE11_SNA93 11. Government expenditure by function (COFOG), SNA93
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_FIG3_PT Figura 2.3: Investimentos directo e de carteira em África (milhares de milhões de USD, preços co….
KEI Key Short-Term Economic Indicators
SNA_TABLE610 610. Financial accounts - consolidated
G_TYPE_AMOUNTS Intergovernmental Grants by Type
MEI_CPI_WEIGHTS National CPI weights
FDI_FLOW_PARTNER FDI flows by partner country
AEO2012_CH1_FIG3 2012 Figure 1.3: World Economic growth
AEO2012_CH1_FIG2 2012 Figure 1.2: Africa´s Economic Growth (%)
AEO2012_CH1_FIG1 2012 Figure 1.1: Africa Assessment of current Economic Situation and Expectations for the next s….
SNA_TABLE14A 14A. Non-financial accounts by sectors
FDI_POSITION_PARTNER FDI positions by partner country
AEO2012_CH1_FIG6 2012 Figure 1.6: Export prices of agricultural products
AEO2012_CH1_FIG5 2012 Figure 1.5: Oil price and Gold price
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB4_PT Tabela 4: Finanças Públicas (em percentagem do PIB)
AEO2012_CH1_FIG4 2012 Figure 1.4: Growth of GDP by countries (%)
PDB_LV Level of GDP per capita and productivity
AEO2012_CH1_FIG9 2012 Figure 1.9: Current accounts and fiscal balances in oil-importing countries
EO45_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 45 - June 1989 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO2012_CH1_FIG8 2012 Figure 1.8: Current accounts and fiscal balances in oil-exporting countries
STAN_IO_LEONTIEF STAN I-O Inverse Matrix (Total)
CHAPTER_D_EAG2014 The learning environment and organisation of schools (Chapter D)
DW_D Discouraged workers
RPERS Educational personnel
EO53_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 53 - June 1993 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
DW_I Incidence of discouraged workers
REF_TOTAL_ODF Total official development flows by country and region (ODF)
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG16_PT Figura 1.7: Contribuição das Regiões para o crescimento Africano
FTPTN_I Incidence of FTPT employment - national definitions
EO02_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 02 - December 1967 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
QASA_TABLE710 Consolidated financial balance sheets by economic sector (Quarterly table 0710)
EO62_TRADE Economic Outlook No 62 - December 1997 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
PT_CH5_FIG2 2012 Figura 5.2: Índice de endurecimento político 1996-2011 (ano de base 1996 = 100)
FTPTN_D FTPT employment based on national definitions
EO74_MAIN Economic Outlook No 74 - December 2003 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PT_TAB2_AEO2013 Tabela 2: PIB por setor (em percentagem)
TABLE2_AEO2013_V2 Table 2: GDP by Sector (percentage of GDP)
AEOANN2015 AEO Statistical annex, 2015
PERS_INDUSTRY_ISIC4 Business enterprise R-D personnel by industry (ISIC 4)
PT_CH5_FIG1 2012 Figura 5.1: Protestos públicos, violência pública e índices de preços dos bens alimentares
EO82_MAIN Economic Outlook No 82 - December 2007 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO2012_CH6_BOX6 Box 6: Rural vs. Agricultural population in Nigeria (1980-2010, in thousands)
FDI_INC_IND FDI income by industry BMD4
FIGURE1_C_AEO2013 Figure 1: Real GDP growth 2013 (Central)
SNA_TABLE9B 9B. Balance sheets for non-financial assets
AEO2012_CH6_BOX9 Box 9: Secondary and tertiary enrolment ratios, by world region
SNA_TABLE9A 9A. Fixed assets by activity and by asset, ISIC rev4
REVNLD Details of Tax Revenue - Netherlands
PT_TABLE2_AEO2012 Tabela 2: PIB por setor (em percentagem) 2012
ECONSH_I Incidence of economic short time workers
PAT_COL Patents - International collaboration in technology development (bilateral)
AEO African Economic Outlook
MON2011TSE_EE 2011 C) Emerging Economies: Estimate of support to agriculture
ECONSH_D Economic short time workers
AEA Air Emission Accounts
WILD_LIFE Threatened species
SNA_TABLE13_SNA93 13. Simplified non-financial accounts, SNA93
WATER_ABSTRACT Freshwater abstractions (million m3)
MON2012TSE_O 2012 A) OECD: Estimate of support to agriculture
REG_SOC_TL2 Social indicators TL2
PERS_SCIENCE R-D personnel by sector of employment and field of science
EO13_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 13 - June 1973 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB5_EN Table 6.5: Number of African countries in which emerging partners have significant trade (at lea….
REVCAN Details of Tax Revenue - Canada
EO16_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 16 - December 1974 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
SNA_TABLE6A 6A. Value added and its components by activity, ISIC rev4
MON2012CSCT_O 2012 U) OECD: Consumer Single Commodity Transfers
MIG International Migration Database
QASA_7II Institutional Investors’ Assets and Liabilities
EO12_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 12 - December 1972 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB9_B_PT Tabela 6.9b: Exportações africanas de produtos manufacturados, por destino (2000-09, em percentagem)
SNA_TABLE7A 7A. Labour input by activity, ISIC rev4
STAN_IO_GHG Carbon Dioxide Emissions embodied in International Trade
BTDIXE STAN Bilateral Trade Database by Industry and End-use category
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG5_PT Figura 1.5: Remessas dos emigrantes para África
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB3_EN Table 3: Demand composition
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER5_FIG2_PT Figura 5.2: Índice de endurecimento político (ano base 1996 = 100)
SNA_TABLE1_TRAINING 1. Gross domestic product (GDP) training
PT_FIG1_O_AEO2013 Figura1:Crescimento do PIB real (O) 2013
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG3_PT Figura 6.3: Peso dos parceiros emergentes e traditionais no comércio com África (em percentagem)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG7_PT Figura 6.7: Percepção das vantagens comparativas de diversos tipos de parceiros de desenvolvimen….
FIGURE1_E_AEO2013 Figure 1: Real GDP growth 2013 (East)
EO48_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 48 - December 1990 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
RETAIL Regulation in retail trade 2013.
BERD_SIZE Business enterprise R-D expenditure by size class and by source of funds
QASA_7HH Households’ financial assets and liabilities
REVNIC Details of Tax Revenue - Nicaragua
REVPOL Details of Tax Revenue - Poland
LMPEXP Public expenditure and participant stocks on LMP
SNA_TABLE8A 8A. Capital formation by activity ISIC rev4
DUR_D Unemployment by duration
DUR_I Incidence of unemployment by duration
HEALTH_DEMR Demographic References
GERD_COST Gross Domestic Expenditure on R-D by sector of performance and type of cost
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG12_PT Figura 1.15: Contas correntes e equilíbrios fiscais nos países exportadores de petróleo
FACTBOOK2014_PUB Factbook Country Statistical Profiles - 2014 edition
MON2012TSE 2012 B) OECD countries : Estimate of support to agriculture
EO14_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 14 - December 1973 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
SNA_TABLE610R 610. Financial accounts - consolidated - SNA 2008
SNA_TABLE3 3. Population and employment by main activity
FISH_RECRE Recreational fisheries
SNA_TABLE4 4. PPPs and exchange rates
SNA_TABLE1 1. Gross domestic product (GDP)
SNA_TABLE2 2. Disposable income and net lending - net borrowing
EO96_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 96 - November 2014 - OECD Annual Projections
AEO2012_CH5_FIG1 2012 Figure 5.1: Public protests, civil violence and food price indices
REVPRT Details of Tax Revenue - Portugal
AEO2012_CH5_FIG2 2012 Figure 5.2: Political Hardening Index 1996-2011 (base year 1996 = 100)
TEMP_I Incidence of permanent employment
TEMP_D Employment by permanency of the job
REVPRY Details of Tax Revenue - Paraguay
EO59_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 59 - June 1996 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
SNA_TABLE9_SNA93 9. Fixed assets by activity and by type of product, SNA93
DIOC_OCCUPATION_DET Immigrants by detailed occupation
TOURISM_OUTBOUND Outbound tourism
SSIS_BSC SDBS Structural Business Statistics (ISIC Rev. 3)
EO83_MAIN Economic Outlook No 83 - June 2008 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
TEC8_REV4 VIII - TEC by exports intensity
EO89_FLASHFILE_EO89 Economic Outlook No 89 - June 2011 - Flash file
REVNOR Details of Tax Revenue - Norway
PT_CH6_FIG1 2012 Figura 1: África apresenta um rápido crescimento de jovens com educação (grupo com idades e….
PT_CH6_FIG4 2012 Figura 4: Desemprego juvenil e adulto
WATER_RESOURCES Freshwater resources (long term annual average)
GENDER_EMP Employment
PT_CH6_FIG3 2012 Figura 3: Tempo despendido pelos jovens por grupo de rendimentos do país (2010)
PT_CH6_FIG6 2012 Figura 6: Cinco tipos de mercado de trabalho para os jovens em África
HEALTH_ECOR Economic References
PT_CH6_FIG5 2012 Figura 5: Taxa de emprego para a população em idade activa em África e comparativos
PT_CH6_FIG8 2012 Figura 8: Distribuição do emprego por características básicas
PT_CH6_FIG7 2012 Figura 7: Insegurança alimentar moderada e grave por estatuto de emprego e por nível de ren….
PT_CH6_FIG9 2012 Figura 9: Onde os jovens africanos trabalham
SNA_TABLE9 9. Fixed assets by activity and by type of product
PNNI_NEW Funded Pensions Indicators
SNA_TABLE6 6. Value added and its components by activity
EO81_MAIN Economic Outlook No 81 - June 2007 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
SNA_TABLE5 5. Final consumption expenditure of households
SNA_TABLE8 8. Capital formation by activity
SNA_TABLE7 7. Labour input by activity
PGI_A_F_STCKS Financial balance sheets - non consolidated (Annual)
BLI Better Life Index - Edition 2015
EO25_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 25 - June 1979 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
TENURE_DIS Employment by job tenure intervals - persons
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG7_EN Figure 6.7: Perceived competitive advantage of various types of development partners in Africa
STAN_IO_LEONTIEF_DOM STAN I-O Inverse Matrix Coefficients (Domestic)
CIIE10 Part 1 - Comparing innovation in education with other sectors
SNA_TABLE2_SNA93 2. Disposable income and net lending - net borrowing, SNA93
EO69_TRADE Economic Outlook No 69 - June 2001 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
MON20123_1EE 2012 E) Emerging Economies: Producer Support Estimate by country
G_FUNCTION_RATIO Earmarked Intergovernmental Grants by Function-percentage of the total grants issued
QASA_TABLE710R Consolidated financial balance sheets by economic sector (Quarterly table 0710) - SNA 2008
MON20113_7EE 2011 Q) Emerging Economies: Composition of General Services Support Estimate
STAN_IO_M_X STAN Input-Output Imports content of Exports
MON2011PSCT 2011 S) OECD countries : Producer Single Commodity Transfers
AFA_OUT3 Outward activity of multinationals by industrial sector (manufacturing) - ISIC Rev 3
TOURISM_ENTERPRISES Enterprises in tourism
MEI_PRICES Consumer Prices (MEI)
EO55_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 55 - June 1994 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AVE_HRS Average usual weekly hours worked on the main job
EO76_MAIN Economic Outlook No 76 - December 2004 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PDBI_I4 Productivity and ULC by main economic activity (ISIC Rev.4)
QASA_TABLE720 Non-consolidated financial balance sheets by economic sector (Quarterly table 0720)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB8_A_PT Tabela 6.8a: Distribuição das exportações africanas por tipo de parceiro (2009, em percentagem)
REVCHE Details of Tax Revenue - Switzerland
LFS_SEXAGE_I_R LFS by sex and age - indicators
SNA_TABLE11 11. Government expenditure by function (COFOG)
SNA_TABLE10 10. Taxes and social contributions receipts
SNA_TABLE13 13. Simplified non-financial accounts
SNA_TABLE12 12. Government deficit/surplus, revenue, expenditure and main aggregates
TENURE_FREQ Employment by job tenure intervals - frequency
MTC Maritime Transport Costs
PDYGTH Labour productivity growth in the total economy
AVD_DUR Average duration of unemployment
REVTUR Details of Tax Revenue - Turkey
MEI_BOP6 Balance of Payments (MEI) BPM6
LFS_SEXAGE_I_C LFS by sex and age - composition
PT_CH1_FIG7 2012 Figura 1.7: Preços de importação de bens alimentares básicos
PT_CH1_FIG6 2012 Figura 1.6: Preços de exportação dos produtos agrícolas
EPL_OV Strictness of employment protection - individual and collective dismissals (regular contracts)
PT_CH1_FIG8 2012 Figura 1.8: Saldos orçamentais e de conta corrente em países exportadores de petróleo
TES3 III: TEC by Partner zones and countries
EO65_MAIN Economic Outlook No 65 - June 1999 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PT_CH1_FIG1 2012 Figura 1.1: Análise africana da situação económica actual e expectativas para os próximos s….
PT_CH1_FIG4 2012 Figura 1.4: Crescimento do PIB (%)
PT_CH1_FIG5 2012 Figura 1.5: Preços do petróleo e do ouro
PT_CH1_FIG2 2012 Figura 1.2: Crescimento económico de África (%)
PT_CH1_FIG3 2012 Figura 1.3: Crescimento económico mundial
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG12_PT Figura 6.12: Quem gere as Parcerias Emergentes?
PAC_GTM Details of Tax Revenue - Guatemala
CITIES Metropolitan areas
DIOC_OCCUPATION Immigrants by occupation
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG5_EN Figure 1.5: Migrant remittances to Africa
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_FIG2_EN Figure 2.2: FDI flows to countries exporting oil vs countries without oil 2000-09 (billion USD, ….
MON20113_5EE 2011 M) Emerging Economies: Composition of Producer Support Estimate by country
EO09_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 09 - June 1971 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_FIG3_EN Figure 2.3: Foreign direct investment and portfolio investment in Africa (billion USD, current)
REVCHL Details of Tax Revenue - Chile
TABLE3_AEO2013_V2 Table 3: Public Finances (percentage of GDP)
USLHRS_D Usual hours worked by weekly hour bands
AEO2012_CH6_FIG26 Figure 26: Obstacles to firms (Enterprise Surveys)
AEO2012_CH6_FIG27 Figure 27: Obstacles to Enterprises in North Africa and Sub Saharan Africa
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG3_PT Figura 1.3: Variação em termos de trocas de alguns países, ricos em recursos (referido a Janeiro….
AEO2012_CH6_FIG28 Figure 28: The most important obstacles faced by informal firms
EO44_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 44 - December 1988 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
REVJAM Details of Tax Revenue - Jamaica
AEO2012_CH6_FIG21 Figure 21: More than half of rural youth work outside of agriculture
USLHRS_I Incidence of employment by usual weekly hours worked
AEO2012_CH6_FIG22 Figure 22: Rural youth working in agriculture are the poorest group of working youth, youth in r….
EO15_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 15 - June 1974 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO2012_CH6_FIG23 Figure 23: Labour market challenges faced by youth
AEO2012_CH6_FIG24 Figure 24: Youth perceptions of main obstacles to finding a job
AEO2012_CH6_FIG29 Figure 29: Youth employment and unemployment by education and country income groups
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB5_PT Tabela 6.5: Comércio entre países africanos e parceiros emergentes no valor mínimo de 10 milhões….
PT_CH2_TAB1 2012 Tabela 2.1: Resumo dos fluxos financeiros externos e das receitas fiscais em África (2000/12)
PDBI Productivity by industry (ISIC Rev.3)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB1_EN Table 6.1: Number of African countries by category in the four-speed world
AEO2012_CH6_FIG31 Figure 31: Probability of being waged employed by education level (multivariate analysis with Ga….
AEO2012_CH6_FIG30 Figure 30: Lack of skills versus skills mismatching
BENCHMARK_STIO Comparative performance of national science and innovation systems
EO81_TRADE Economic Outlook No 81 - June 2007 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
TSE_2010 2010 -F- Total Support Estimate by country
AEO2012_CH6_FIG16 Figure 16: Transition pathways by male and female youth (15-30)
TISX TIS Extra Series
REG_DEMO_TL2 Regional Demographic statistics
AEO2012_CH6_FIG17 Figure 17: Youth employment by occupation 2008 and 2010: Informal sector activities and Farming ….
REG_DEMO_TL3 Demographic Statistics_TL3
AEO2012_CH6_FIG14 Figure 14: Unemployed versus NEET: Self-reported reasons for not working
AEO2012_CH6_FIG15 Figure 15: Reasons for not working among discouraged youth by educational achievement
AEO2012_CH6_FIG12 Figure 12: Employment status by education and age cohort in LICs
AEO2012_CH6_FIG13 Figure 13: Employment status by education and age cohort in MICs
AEO2012_CH6_FIG10 Figure 10: Youth and Adults by Occupation
AEO2012_CH6_FIG11 Figure 11: Who are the young people in NEET?
TISP EBOPS 2002 - Trade in Services by Partner Country
FIGURA1_N_AEO2013 Figura1:Crescimento do PIB real (N) 2013
AEO2012_CH6_FIG18 Figure 18: Aggregate sales and number of enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa, by size
AEO2012_CH6_FIG19 Figure 19: The trade off between vulnerable employment and unemployment
EO66_TRADE Economic Outlook No 66 - December 1999 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
TSE_2009 2009 -F- Total Support Estimate by country
AEO2012_CH6_FIG20 Figure 20: Household enterprises are the fastest growing livelihood sector in low income countri….
REVESP Details of Tax Revenue - Spain
7IA_A_Q Institutional investors’ assets - Annual and Quarterly
EXP_COFOG_SPECIAL Public Finance and Employment: Expenditures according to COFOG Special
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG12_EN Figure 6.12: To what extent is each local stakeholder involved in the partnership with emerging ….
MON2011AANRI 2011 X) OECD countries : Payments made on the basis of area, animal numbers, receipts or income
BERD_FUNDS Business enterprise R-D expenditure by industry and by source of funds
REVURY Details of Tax Revenue - Uruguay
EO85_MAIN Economic Outlook No 85 - June 2009 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
STRI Services Trade Restrictiveness Index
DACIND GeoBook: Indicators
FISH_GFT Government financial transfers
MON2012PSCT_EE 2012 T) Emerging Economies: Producer Single Commodity Transfers
EO83_FLASHFILE_EO83 Economic Outlook No 83 - June 2008 - Flash file
CHAPTER_C_EAG2014 Access to education, participation and progression (Chapter C)
ANHRS Average annual hours actually worked per worker
REGACC_TL2 Regional accounts
EO07_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 07 - June 1970 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PT_CH6_FIG40 2012 Anexo I Figura 40: Jovens africanos em zonas urbanas e zonas rurais por nível de rendimento
MSTI_PUB Main Science and Technology Indicators
PPRF Public Pension Reserve Funds’ Statistics
REG_ACC_TL3 Regional accounts TL3
EO88_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 88 - December 2010 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
REVFRA Details of Tax Revenue - France
EO80_MAIN Economic Outlook No 80 - December 2006 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
DIOC_SEX_AGE Immigrants by sex and age
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG7_EN Figure 1.10: Oil price and gold price (base January 2000 = 100 )
MEMTAX Financing of social security benefits
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB8_A_EN Table 6.8a: Distribution of Africa’s exports by type of partners (2009, in percentage)
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB5_PT Tabela 5: Balança Corrente (em percentagem do PIB)
G_TYPE_RATIO Intergovernmental Grants by Type-percentage of total grants revenue
FDI_FLOW_AGGR FDI financial flows, main aggregates BMD4
MEI_ARCHIVE Revisions Analysis Dataset - Infra-annual Indicators
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB2_PT Tabela 2: PIB por setor (em percentagem)
TEC1_REV4 I - TEC by sector and size class
PT_CH6_FIG38 2012 Figura 38: Iniciativas direccionadas para o emprego juvenil
CWB Child Well-Being (2009)
PT_CH6_FIG39 2012 Anexo I Figura 39: Níveis de educação entre africanos com 15 a 24 anos de idade
PT_CH2_FIG10 2012 Figura 2.10: O aumento das receitas fiscais baseia-se, sobretudo, nos impostos sobre os rec….
AFA_CALC_IN3 Inward activity of multinationals - Share in national total (manufacturing)
PT_CH2_FIG1B 2012 Figura 2.1b: Recursos financeiros internos e externos (em % do PIB, 2010)
PERS_INDUSTRY Business enterprise R-D personnel by industry
TIMELY_BDS_ISIC4 Timely Indicators of Entrepreneurship (ISIC4)
PT_TAB4_AEO2013 Tabela 4: Balança Corrente (em percentagem do PIB) 2013
EO71_TRADE Economic Outlook No 71 - June 2002 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
PT_CH2_FIG1A 2012 Figura 2.1a: Recursos financeiros internos e externos (mil milhões de USD, 2010)
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER5_FIG1_EN Figure 5.1: Public protests, public violence and food price indices (base year 1996 = 100)
REVHUN Details of Tax Revenue - Hungary
GERD_SCIENCE Gross domestic expenditure on R-D by sector of performance and field of science
SNA_TABLE710R 710. Financial balance sheets - consolidated - SNA 2008
REVBRA Details of Tax Revenue - Brazil
HEALTH_STAT Health Status
TALIS_2013 2013 - Complete database
EO60_MAIN Economic Outlook No 60 - December 1996 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
TIVA2015_C1 Trade in Value Added (TiVA) - June 2015
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_TAB2_PT Tabela 1.1: Crescimento por regiões (Crescimento do PIB real em percentagem)
BTDIXE_ISIC3_2011 STAN Bilateral Trade by Industry and End-use (ISIC Rev.3) ed.2011
MON2011CSCT_EE 2011 W) Emerging Economies: Consumer Single Commodity Transfers
TIVA2015_C2 Trade in Value Added (TiVA): Origin of Value Added in Gross Exports
TIVA2015_C3 Trade in Value Added (TiVA): Origin of Value Added in Final Demand
PT_FIG2_AEO2013 Figura 2: Dívida externa total (percentagem do PIB) e serviço da dívida (percentagem das exporta….
EO47_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 47 - June 1990 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
ALFS_POP_VITAL Population and Vital Statistics
PT_CH6_FIG12 2012 Figura 12: Estatuto de emprego por nível de educação e grupo etário nos PRB
EO71_MAIN Economic Outlook No 71 - June 2002 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PT_CH2_FIG3A 2012 Figura 2.3a: O IDE recupera na África Subsariana e diminui no norte de África devido à ince….
PT_CH6_FIG13 2012 Figura 13: Estatuto de emprego por nível de educação e grupo etário nos PRM
PT_CH2_FIG3B 2012 Figura 2.3b: O IDE recupera na África Subsariana e diminui no norte de África devido à ince….
PT_CH6_FIG14 2012 Figura 14: Desempregados contra NEET: motivos auto-admitidos para não trabalhar
PT_CH6_FIG15 2012 Figura 15: Motivos para não trabalhar entre os jovens desanimados por nível educativo alcançado
AEO2012_CH2_FIG10 2012 Figure 2.10: The increase in tax revenue is mainly driven by taxes on natural resources
PT_CH6_FIG10 2012 Figura 10: Jovens e adultos por actividade
PT_CH6_FIG11 2012 Figura 11: Quem são os jovens NEET?
FDI_POSITION_INDUSTRY FDI positions by industry
NAAG National Accounts at a Glance
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB9_A_PT Tabela 6.9a: Importações africanas de produtos manufacturados por origem (2000-09, em percentagem)
PT_TAB3_AEO2013 Tabela 3: Finanças Públicas 2013 (em percentagem do PIB)
PROFSVC Professional Services 2013.
REVLUX Details of Tax Revenue - Luxembourg
EO75_TRADE Economic Outlook No 75 - June 2004 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG4_PT Figura 1.4: Variação em termos de trocas de alguns países, pobres em recursos
EO11_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 11 - June 1972 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG10_EN Figure 1.13: Import prices of basic foodstuffs (base January 2000 = 100)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG4_PT Figura 6.4: Comércio total de África com os seus perceiros tradicionais
MON20123_3EE 2012 I) Emerging Economies: General Services Support Estimate by country
TOURISM_ECON_INDICATOR Key economic indicators in tourism
MON20123_7EE 2012 Q) Emerging Economies: Composition of General Services Support Estimate
REG_ENV_TL3 Environmental indicators
PSE_2010 2010 -B- Producer Support Estimate (PSE) and related indicators by country
PAT_DIFF Patents - Technology diffusion
STIO_2014 Science Technology and Industry Outlook 2014
PERS_QUAL R-D personnel by sector of employment and qualification
EO35_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 35 - June 1984 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
RENRLAGE Students enrolled by age
PT_CH6_FIG30 2012 Figura 30: Fatla de competências contra desfasamento de competências
PT_CH6_FIG31 2012 figura 31: Probabilidade prevista de ter um emprego assalariado em vez de outro estatuto de….
PT_CH6_FIG32 2012 Figura 32: Empresas que oferecem formação, África e o mundo
RMW Real minimum wages
PT_CH2_FIG5A 2012 Figura 2.5a: Os fluxos de IDE africano têm origem, maioritariamente, em países ricos em rec….
PT_CH6_FIG33 2012 Figura 33: As expectativas dos empregadores são um desafio para os jovens que entram no mer….
PT_CH2_FIG5B 2012 Figura 2.5b: Os fluxos de IDE africano têm origem, maioritariamente, em países ricos em rec….
PT_CH6_FIG34 2012 Figura 34: Raisons avancées par les jeunes pour justifier qu’ils ne travaillent pas
PT_CH6_FIG35 2012 Figura 35: Onde pretende trabalhar, pressupondo remuneração e benefícios iguais?
PT_CH6_FIG36 2012 Figura 36: Percentagem de jovens desempregados e desanimados que têm um plano para criar um….
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_FIG2_PT Figura 2.2: Fluxos de IDE para países exportadores de petróleo vs. países sem petróleo 2000-09 (….
PT_CH6_FIG37 2012 Figura 37: Classificação dos especialistas do país do AEO quanto às regulamentações laborai….
REVNZL Details of Tax Revenue - New Zealand
SAH_URBA_CITY_LIST_7 Africapolis List and Population of West African urban agglomerations 1950-2010
EO33_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 33 - June 1983 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB1_PT Tabela 6.1: Países africanos, por categoria, no mundo a quatro velocidades
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER4_TAB2_EN Table 4.2: Indices of human development
RENRL Students enrolled by type of institution
PMR Product Market Regulation 2013.
FOREST Depletion and growth of forest resources in terms of volume (thousand m3)
PT_CH6_FIG28 2012 Figura 28: Os obstáculos mais importantes para as empresas informais
PT_CH6_FIG27 2012 Figura 27: Obstáculos às empresas no Norte de África e na África subsariana
REVBOL Details of Tax Revenue - Bolivia
PT_CH6_FIG29 2012 Figura 29: Emprego e desemprego juvenil por níveis de educação e rendimento do país
TEC6_REV4 VI - TEC by type of trader
REVSLV Details of Tax Revenue - El Salvador
BERD_INDUSTRY_ISIC4 Business enterprise R-D expenditure by industry (ISIC 4)
PT_CH6_FIG21 2012 Figura 21: Mais de metade dos jovens rurais trabalha fora da agricultura
REVJPN Details of Tax Revenue - Japan
PT_CH6_FIG22 2012 Figura 22: Pobreza alimentar entre os jovens trabalhadores:agrícola vs. não agrícola vs. urbano
EO68_TRADE Economic Outlook No 68 - December 2000 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
PT_CH6_FIG20 2012 Figura 20: Distribuição de emprego primário por tipo
EO63_TRADE Economic Outlook No 63 - June 1998 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
PT_CH6_FIG25 2012 Figura 25: O desânimo relativamente a um mercado de trabalho justo aumenta com a educação
MEI_REAL Production and Sales (MEI)
EO36_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 36 - December 1984 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PT_CH6_FIG26 2012 Figura 26: Maiores obstáculos às empresas na África subsariana
PT_CH6_FIG23 2012 Figura 23: Desafios do mercado de trabalho enfrentados pelos jovens
PT_CH6_FIG24 2012 Figura 24: Percepção dos jovens dos principais obstáculos a encontrarem um emprego
G20_PRICES G20 - CPI All items
FDI_POS_PARTNER_TEMP_A_TEST_NM FDI positions by partner country - Template A TEST NM1
EXT Extraction and Check
AEO2012_CH2_FIG1B 2012 Figure 2.1b: Domestic and external financial resources (% GDP, 2010)
LAND_USE Land use
AEO2012_CH2_FIG1A 2012 Figure 2.1a: Domestic and external financial resources (USD billion, 2010)
PT_CH6_FIG19 2012 Figura 19: O compromisso entre o emprego vulnerável e o desemprego
PT_CH6_FIG18 2012 Figura 18: Vendas agregadas e número de empresas da África subsariana, por dimensão
MON2011PSCT_O 2011 R) OECD : Producer Single Commodity Transfers
EO63_MAIN Economic Outlook No 63 - June 1998 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
INVPT_I Incidence of involuntary part time workers
ONRD_FUNDS Other national R-D expenditure by field of science and by source of funds
PT_CH6_FIG17 2012 Figura 17: Emprego juvenil por actividade em 2008 e 2010: as actividades do sector informal….
PT_CH6_FIG16 2012 Figura 16: Percursos transitórios por jovens do sexo masculino e feminino (15-30)
INVPT_D Involuntary part time workers
QASA_TABLE620R Non-consolidated financial transactions by economic sector (Quarterly table 0620) - SNA 2008
SOCX_DET Social Expenditure - Detailed data
TABLE1_AEO2012 Table 1: Macroeconomic Indicators 2012
TABLE1_AEO2013 Table 1: Macroeconomic indicators
HEALTH_PROT Social Protection
ITF_ROAD_HAULAGE Road haulage charges and taxes
MEI_BTS_COS Business Tendency and Consumer Opinion Surveys (MEI)
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER5_TAB5_PT Tabela 5.4: Índice de liberdade económica em África, 2003-11
EO68_MAIN Economic Outlook No 68 - December 2000 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
FDIINDEX OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG16_EN Figure 1.7: Contributions of regions to Africa’s growth
TOURISM_DOMESTIC Domestic tourism
REV Revenue Statistics - Comparative tables
REVFIN Details of Tax Revenue - Finland
MW_CURP Minimum wages at current prices in NCU
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER5_FIG1_PT Figura 5.1: Protestos e violência públicos e índice de preços de alimentos (ano de base 1996 = 100)
U_D_D Union members and employees
DACGEO GeoBook: Geographical flows to developing countries
REVEU VAT and Customs duties - European Union
AEO2012_CH2_FIG3A 2012 Figure 2.3a: FDI to Sub-Saharan Africa recovered, while North Africa suffered (FDI to North….
AEO2012_CH2_FIG3B 2012 Figure 2.3b: FDI to Sub-Saharan Africa recovered, while North Africa suffered (FDI to sub-s….
EO49_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 49 - June 1991 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
HEALTH_PROC Health Care Utilisation
SNA_TABLE6A_SNA93 6A. Value added and its components by activity, ISIC rev4, SNA93
TALIS 2008 - Complete database
DIOC_CITIZEN_AGE Immigrants by citizenship and age
TISP_EBOPS2010 EBOPS 2010 - Trade in services by partner country
JOBQ_I The OECD Inventory for the Quality of Working Environment
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_TAB2_EN Table 1.1: Growth by regions (real GDP growth in percentage)
DECOMP Breakdown of Gross Domestic Product per capita in its components
EO21_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 21 - June 1977 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
HIGH_AGLINK_2010 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2010-2019
EO34_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 34 - December 1983 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG5_EN Figure 6.5: African FDI inflows 1995-2008
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB9_A_EN Table 6.9a: Africa’s imports of manufactured products, by origin (2000-09, in percentage)
HIGH_AGLINK_2009 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2009-2018
SNA_TABLE7A_SNA93 7A. Labour input by activity, ISIC rev4, SNA93
FATS_IN3_SERV Inward activity of Multinationals in ISIC Rev 3 (services)
DIOC_LFS Immigrants by labour force status
EO67_MAIN Economic Outlook No 67 - June 2000 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO2012_CH6_FIG9 Figure 9: Where African youth work
RFIN2 Expenditure by nature and resource category
RFIN1 Expenditure by funding source and transaction type
AEO2012_CH6_FIG3 Figure 3: Time Use by Country Income Level: In middle income countries youth are more likely to ….
AEO2012_CH6_FIG4 Figure 4: Youth and adult unemployment
AEO2012_CH6_FIG1 Figure 1: Africa is experiencing a rapid growth of youth with education (20-24 year-old cohorts ….
AEO2012_CH2_FIG5A 2012 Figure 2.5a: African FDI outflows mainly go from resource-rich countries to OECD nations (%….
AEO2012_CH6_FIG7 Figure 7: Moderately and severely food insecure by employment status and country income level
AEO2012_CH6_FIG8 Figure 8: Employment and its drivers
SAH_URBA_INDIC_3 List of indicators on settlement dynamics in West Africa
AEO2012_CH6_FIG5 Figure 5: Employment Rate to working age population in Africa and comparators
AEO2012_CH2_FIG5B 2012 Figure 2.5b: African FDI outflows mainly go from resource-rich countries to OECD nations (U….
AEO2012_CH6_FIG6 Figure 6: Five types of labour markets for youth in Africa
EO93_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 93 - June 2013 - OECD Annual Projections
TEC9_REV4 IX - TEC by activity sectors
TABLE1 Total flows by donor (ODA+OOF+Private) [DAC1]
TABLE5 Aid (ODA) by sector and donor [DAC5]
E O93_LTB Economic Outlook No 93 - June 2013 - Long-term baseline projections
ALFS_EMP Employment by activities and status (ALFS)
MEI_TRD International Trade (MEI)
TABLE4 Private flows [DAC4]
FATS_OUT3_SERV Outward Activity of Multinationals in ISIC Rev 3 (services)
BERD_COST_ISIC4 Business enterprise R-D expenditure by industry and by type of cost (ISIC Rev.4)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB6_PT Tabela 6.6: Comércio sectorial entre África a os parceiros emergentes com mínimo de 53 milhões d….
POP_FIVE_HIST Population
PT_CH2_FIG9 2012 Figura 2.9: A percentagem das receitas fiscais no PIB cresceu na última década
PT_CH2_FIG7 2012 Figura 2.7: Fluxos de remessas por sub-região Africana (% PIB)
PT_CH2_FIG8 2012 Figura 2.8: Manutenção dos níveis de APD em África durante a crise internacional (mil milhõ….
SAH_URBA_LATLON_V3 Geolocation of urban agglomerations in West Africa
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG6_PT Figura 6.6: Comércio total de África com os parceiros emergentes (2009)
PERS_OCCUP_PRE1981 R-D personnel by sector of employment and occupation (1963-1980)
ENV_KEI Environmental - Indicators
EO04_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 04 - December 1968 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
CPSE_2010 2010 -C- Composition of Producer Support Estimate
EO90_FLASHFILE_EO90 Economic Outlook No 90 - December 2011 - Flash file
MON20123_5EE 2012 M) Emerging Economies: Composition of Producer Support Estimate by country
MON20113_2EE 2011 G) Emerging Economies: Consumer Support Estimate by country
HIGH_AGLINK_2011 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020
HIGH_AGLINK_2012 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021
EO86_MAIN Economic Outlook No 86 - December 2009 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AMNE_IN Inward activity of multinationals by industrial sector - ISIC Rev 4
HIGH_AGLINK_2013 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022
AEO2012_CH5_TAB3 2012 Table 5.3: Corruption perception index by transparency international 2010-2012
HIGH_AGLINK_2014 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2014-2023
AEOREV2015 AEO Revenue Statistics, 2015
HIGH_AGLINK_2015 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2015-2024
MON20113_4EE 2011 K) Emerging Economies: Total Support Estimate by country
EO24_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 24 - December 1978 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EO05_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 05 - June 1969 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EO64_MAIN Economic Outlook No 64 - December 1998 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
REG_LAB_TL2 Labour Statistics
REG_LAB_TL3 Regional Labour Market TL3
FDI_FLOW_IND FDI financial flows by industry BMD4
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB5_EN Table 5: Current account (percentage of GDP)
EO90_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 90 - December 2011 - OECD Annual Projections
PARTNER Trade in value by partner countries
EO19_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 19 - June 1976 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
LAB_REG_VAC Registered Unemployed and Job Vacancies
CSPCUBE Country statistical profiles
AEO2012_CH2_FIG7 2012 Figure 2.7: Remittance flows per African subregion
AEO2012_CH2_FIG8 2012 Figure 2.8: ODA levels to Africa have maintained levels through the international crisis
AEO2012_CH2_FIG6 2012 Figure 2.6: Portfolio investments compared to FDI in Africa (2000-11)
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_FIG4_EN Figure 2.4: Net ODA disbursements to Africa 2000-09 (billion USD, current)
IPM_STIO Overview of national innovation policy mix
AEO2012_CH2_FIG9 2012 Figure 2.9: Tax revenues in Africa represent an increasing share of GDP during the last decade
RPOP Total population by sex and age
RD_ACTIVITY R-D expenditure by sector of performance and type of R-D
AEO2012_CH2_FIG4 2012 Figure 2.4: Oil-importing countries attracted more FDI as a share of GDP than oil-exporting….
AEO2012_CH2_FIG2 2012 Figure 2.2: FDI overtook ODA in 2005, but is below its 2008 peak
AEO2012_CH2_TAB1 2012 Table 2.1: Summary of external financial flows and tax receipts in Africa (2000-12)
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB1_EN Table 1: Macroeconomic indicators
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG8_EN Figure 1.11: Copper and aluminium prices (base January 2000 = 100)
GENDER Aid projects targeting gender equality and womens empowerment (CRS)
TABLE4_AEO2013_V2 Table 4: Current Account (percentage of GDP)
REVHON Details of Tax Revenue - Honduras
PT_CH2_FIG2 2012 Figura 2.2: O IDE ultrapassou a APD em 2005, mas está abaixo do pico atingido em 2008
PT_CH2_FIG4 2012 Figura 2.4: Os países importadores de petróleo atraíram mais IDE em % do PIB do que os país….
EO89_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 89 - June 2011 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
WATER_TREAT Wastewater treatment (% population connected)
PT_FIG1_E_AEO2013 Figura1:Crescimento do PIB real (E) 2013
PT_CH2_FIG6 2012 Figura 2.6: Investimento em carteira versus IDE em África (2000-2011)
ULC_EEQ Unit labour costs and labour productivity (employment based), Total economy
TOURISM_INBOUND Inbound tourism
EO87_FLASHFILE_EO87 Economic Outlook No 87 - June 2010 - Flash file
ULC_ANN Unit Labour Costs - Annual Indicators
WATER_DISCHARGE Generation and discharge of wastewater
KEY_STIO Key figures
GIDDB2012 Gender, Institutions and Development Database 2012 (GID-DB)
MON2012TSE_EE 2012 C) Emerging Economies: Estimate of support to agriculture
MON2012AANRI 2012 X) OECD countries : Payments made on the basis of area, animal numbers, receipts or income
SHA Health expenditure and financing
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG4_EN Figure 1.4: Terms of trade in selected resource-poor countries
FIN_IND_FBS Financial Indicators - Stocks
WSECTOR Generation of primary waste by sector (thousand tonnes)
SNA_TABLE8_SNA93 8. Capital formation by activity, SNA93
STAN STAN Database for Structural Analysis ed2005
EO01_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 01 - June 1967 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
MON2011TSE_O 2011 A) OECD : Estimate of support to agriculture
DACSECTOR GeoBook: ODA by sector - bilateral commitments by donor and recipient
EO64_TRADE Economic Outlook No 64 - December 1998 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
GID2 Gender, Institutions and Development Database 2009 (GID-DB)
EO20_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 20 - December 1976 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
DP_STAGING Staging Cube
FDI_FLOW_INDUSTRY FDI flows by industry
ITF_ROAD_ACCIDENTS Road injury accidents
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG13_PT Figura 1.16: Contas correntes e equilíbrios fiscais nos países importadores de petróleo
MULTISYSTEM Members’ total use of the multilateral system
QASA_TABLE801 Non-financial accounts by economic sector (Tables 0119, 0801)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB3_PT Tabela 6.3: Fluxos de IDE para alguns países africanos na última década, por país de origem (em ….
FDI_BOP_IIP FDI series of BOP and IIP aggregates
EO85_FLASHFILE_EO85 Economic Outlook No 85 - June 2009 - Flash file
EO88_FLASHFILE_EO88 Economic Outlook No 88 - December 2010 - Flash file
GOV_DEBT Central Government Debt
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_TAB1_EN Table 2.1: FDI flows to African regions 2005-10 (billion USD, current)
ITF_INV-MTN_DATA Transport infrastructure investment and maintenance spending
GOV_2015 Government at a Glance - 2015 edition
EO38_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 38 - December 1985 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PT_FIG1_S_AEO2013 Figura1:Crescimento do PIB real (S) 2013
MON2012AANRI_EE 2012 Y) Emerging Economies: Payments made on the basis of area, animal numbers, receipts or income
GOV_2013 Government at a Glance - 2013 edition
FIGURE2_AEO2013_V2 Figure 2: Stock of total external debt and debt service 2013
TABLE7B Aid (ODA) tying status [DAC7b]
EPL_T Strictness of employment protection - temporary contracts
PT_FIG1_C_AEO2013 Figura1:Crescimento do PIB real (C) 2013
EPL_R Strictness of employment protection - individual dismissals (regular contracts)
PT_FIG1_N_AEO2013 Figura1:Crescimento do PIB real (N) 2013
EO95_LTB Economic Outlook No 95 - May 2014 - Long-term baseline projections
EO91_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 91 - June 2012 - OECD Annual Projections
EO28_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 28 - December 1980 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER5_TAB3_PT Tabela 5.3: Índice de Percepção da Corrupção
FDI_INC_CTRY FDI income by partner country BMD4
REVBAR Details of Tax Revenue - Barbados
EO41_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 41 - June 1987 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
7HA_A_Q Households’ financial and non-financial assets and liabilities - Annual and Quarterly
GOV_2011 Government at a Glance - 2011 edition
TEC2_REV4 II - TEC by Top enterprises
EO26_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 26 - December 1979 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EO67_TRADE Economic Outlook No 67 - June 2000 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
MEI_BOP Balance of Payments (MEI)
LEVEL Labour productivity levels in the total economy
REVMEX Details of Tax Revenue - Mexico
MON2011AANRI_EE 2011 Y) Emerging Economies: Payments made on the basis of area, animal numbers, receipts or income
RNENTAGE New entrants by sex and age
FISH_NLF National landings in foreign ports
AMNE_OUT_PARTNER Outward activity of multinationals by country of location - ISIC Rev 4
MON2014_REFERENCE_TABLE 2014 ) Monitoring and evaluation : Reference Tables
MON20113_7 2011 P) OECD countries : Composition of General Services Support Estimate
MON20113_6 2011 N) OECD countries : Characteristics of policy support by country
AV_AN_WAGE Average annual wages
ALFS_SUMTAB ALFS Summary tables
SNA_TABLE620R 620. Financial accounts - non consolidated - SNA 2008
SNA_TABLE10_SNA93 10. Taxes and social contributions receipts, SNA93
REGION_DEMOGR Regional Demography
MIG_NUP_RATES_GENDER NUP rates by place of birth and sex
TABLE_I6 Table I.6. All-in average personal income tax rates at average wage by family type
TABLE_I7 Table I.7. Top statutory personal income tax rate and top marginal tax rates for employees
TABLE_I4 Table I.4. Marginal personal income tax and social security contribution rates on gross labour i….
TABLE_I5 Table I.5. Average personal income tax and social security contribution rates on gross labour income
TABLE_I2 Table I.2. Sub-central personal income tax rates-non-progressive systems
REGION_ECONOM Regional Economy
TABLE_I3 Table I.3. Sub-central personal income tax rates-progressive systems
TABLE_I1 Table I.1. Central government personal income tax rates and thresholds
BERD_FUNDS_ISIC4 Business enterprise R-D expenditure by industry and by source of funds (ISIC 4)
TOURISM_NATIONAL_ECON Internal tourism consumption
MON2011TSE 2011 B) OECD countries : Estimate of support to agriculture
MON20113_1 2011 D) OECD countries : Producer Support Estimate by country
MON20113_2 2011 F) OECD countries : Consumer Support Estimate by country
MON20113_3 2011 H) OECD countries : General Services Support Estimate by country
PATS_COOP International co-operation in patents
MON20113_4 2011 J) OECD countries : Total Support Estimate by country
MON20113_5 2011 L) OECD countries : Composition of Producer Support Estimate by country
ITF_SHORT_TERM_INDIC Short-term Indicators
BERD_STIO Structural composition of BERD
FISH_NLD National landings in domestic ports
SNA_TABLE750 750. General Government Debt - Maastricht
SNA_TABLE14A_SNA93 14A. Non-financial accounts by sectors, SNA93
SNA_TABLE710 710. Financial balance sheets - consolidated
AMNE_OUT Outward activity of multinationals by industrial sector - ISIC Rev 4
TEC3_REV4 III - TEC by Partner zones and countries
STAN_IO_TOT_DOM_IMP STAN Input-Output Total, Domestic and Imports
RSLACT Revenue Statistics - Latin American Countries : Comparative tables
FTPTC_I Incidence of FTPT employment - common definition
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB11_PT Tabela 6.11: Etiópia, dívida pública em percentagem do PIB
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG1_PT Figura 1.1: Crescimento económico em África
7II_INDIC Institutional investors indicators
FTPTC_D FTPT employment based on a common definition
REVDEU Details of Tax Revenue - Germany
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG5_PT Figura 6.5: Fluxos de IDE para África 1995-2008
BLI2013 Better Life Index - Edition 2013
PGI_Q_F_TRNSCTN Financial transactions - non-consolidated (Quarterly)
EO58_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 58 - December 1995 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
SDBS_BDI_ISIC4 SDBS Business Demography Indicators (ISIC Rev. 4)
EO31_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 31 - June 1982 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
ONRD_COST Other national R&D expenditure by field of science and by type of cost
ALFS_POP_LABOUR Population and Labour Force
LFS_D LFS by sex and age
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG8_PT Figura 6.8: Exportações africanas de produtos manufacturados por parceiros (1995-2009)
SNA_TABLE720 720. Financial balance sheets - non consolidated
PT_TABLE3_AEO2012 Tabela 3: Finanças Públicas (em percentagem do PIB) 2012
REVGBR Details of Tax Revenue - United Kingdom
EO51_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 51 - June 1992 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EO93_FLASHFILE_EO93 Economic Outlook No 93 - June 2013 - Flash file
EO94_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 94 - November 2013 - OECD Annual Projections
PAT_DEV Patents - Technology development
EO95_INTERNET Economic Outlook No 95 - May 2014 - OECD Annual Projections
BLI2014 Better Life Index - Edition 2014
REF_TOTALRECPTS Total receipts by country and region (ODA+OOF+private)
RIOMARKERS Aid activities targeting Global Environmental Objectives
TABLE1_AEO Table 1: Macroeconomic indicators NEW
GIDDB2014 Gender, Institutions and Development Database 2014 (GID-DB)
FDI_FLOW_CTRY FDI financial flows by partner country BMD4
QASA_TABLE610R Consolidated financial transactions by economic sector (Quarterly table 0610) - SNA 2008
EO27_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 27 - June 1980 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
GSSE_2010 2010 -E- General Services Support Estimate by country
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB6_EN Table 6.6: Number of sectors in which emerging partners have significant trade with Africa (at l….
GOV Government at a Glance
MUNW Municipal waste, Generation and Treatment
QASA_TABLE610 Consolidated financial transactions by economic sector (Quarterly table 0610)
TXWDECOMP Tax wedge decomposition
RWB Regional Well-Being
MON2012CSCT 2012 V) OECD countries : Consumer Single Commodity Transfers
HEALTH_REAC Health Care Resources
EO39_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 39 - June 1986 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
GBAORD_NABS2007 Government budget appropriations or outlays for RD
REGION_INNOVATION Regional Innovation
CPL Monthly comparative price levels
MIG_EMP_EDUCATION Employment rates by place of birth and educational attainment (25-64)
RGRADAGE Graduates by age
AEOCN2015 AEO Country Notes Tables, 2015
TSEC5 V: TEC by commodity groups (CPC)
TABLE2A Aid (ODA) disbursements to countries and regions [DAC2a]
CPA Country Programmable Aid (CPA)
TSEC4 IV: TEC by number of partner countries
TSEC1 I: TEC by Size Classes
TSEC2 II: TEC by Top enterprises
TABLE2B Other official flows (OOF)-disbursements [DAC2b]
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_TAB1_EN Table 1.2: Demographic trends in Africa (million persons)
FIGURE1_S_AEO2013 Figure 1: Real GDP growth 2013 (South)
CRS1 Creditor Reporting System (CRS)
SNA_TABLE6_SNA93 6. Value added and its components by activity, SNA93
EO61_TRADE Economic Outlook No 61 - June 1997 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
FISH_FLEET Fishing fleet
REFSERIES_REV Reference Series for Revenue Statistics
SIGI2014 Social Institutions and Gender Index 2014 (SIGI)
EO56_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 56 - December 1994 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
FISH_TRADE Trade by product
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG6_EN Figure 6.6: Distribution of Africa’s total trade with emerging partners (2009, in percentage)
EO62_MAIN Economic Outlook No 62 - December 1997 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
EAR_MEI Hourly Earnings (MEI)
HEALTH_HCQI Health Care Quality Indicators
FIN_IND_FA Financial Indicators - Flows
EO10_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 10 - December 1971 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
MEI_FIN Monthly Monetary and Financial Statistics (MEI)
STLABOUR Short-Term Labour Market Statistics
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_FIG4_PT Figura 2.4 Desembolsos líquidos de APD para África 2000-09 (milhares de milhões de USD, preços c….
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_TAB1_PT Tabela 2.1: Fluxos de IDE para Regiões Africanas 2005-10 (milhares de milhões de USD, a preços c….
CHAPTER_B_EAG2014 Financial and human resources invested in education (Chapter B)
RD_ACTIVITY_PRE1981 R-D expenditure by sector of performance and type of R-D (1963-1980)
GENDER_ENT1 Entrepreneurship
INSIND Insurance indicators
EO86_TRADE Economic Outlook No 86 - December 2009 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
EO32_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 32 - December 1982 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
QASA_TABLE620 Non-consolidated financial transactions by economic sector (Quarterly table 0620)
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG13_EN Figure 1.16: Current account and fiscal balance in oil-importing countries
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER4_TAB2_PT Tabela 4.2: Índices de desenvolvimento humano
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG11_EN Figure 6.11: Africa’s post-HIPC debt (external debt in percentage of GDP, 1995-2009)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG8_EN Figure 6.8: Africa’s exports of manufactured products by type of partner (1995-2009, in billion USD)
MATERIAL_RESOURCES Material resources
SOCX_REF Social Expenditure - Reference series
EO86_FLASHFILE_EO86 Economic Outlook No 86 - November 2009 - Flash file
PATS_REGION Patents by regions
SNA_TABLE8A_SNA93 8A. Capital formation by activity ISIC rev4, SNA93
GERD_FUNDS_PRE1981 Gross domestic expenditure on R-D by sector of performance and source of funds (1963-1980)
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG9_PT Figura 1.12: Preços de exportação de produtos agrícolas (base: Janeiro de 2000)
PT8 Gross operating expenses
REF_TOTALOFFICIAL Total official flows by country and region (ODA+OOF)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG9_EN Figure 6.9: Africa’s exports of manufactured goods (1995-2009, in billion USD)
PT9 Commissions in the reporting country
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG1_EN Figure 1.1: Africa´s economic growth
EO30_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 30 - December 1981 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
PT4 Insurance business written abroad by branches
EO84_TRADE Economic Outlook No 84 - December 2008 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
PT5 Insurance business written in the reporting country
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_TAB2_EN Table 2: GDP by sector (in percentage)
PT6 Destinations of investments by direct insurance or reinsurance companies
PT7 Gross claims payments
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER2_FIG1_EN Figure 2.1: FDI and ODA flows to Africa 2000-11 (billion USD, current)
TAD_ENVINDIC_2013 Environmental Performance of Agriculture 2013
ANBERD_REV4 STAN R&D expenditures in Industry (ISIC Rev. 4)
MON2011CSCT_O 2011 U) OECD : Consumer Single Commodity Transfers
REVSWE Details of Tax Revenue - Sweden
ANBERD_REV2 STAN Research and Development Expenditure in Industry (ISIC Rev. 2)
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB11_EN Table 6.11: Ethiopia, public debt in percentage of GDP
TABLE_II4 Table II.4. Overall statutory tax rates on dividend income
TABLE_II3 Table II.3. Sub-central corporate income tax rates
TABLE_II2 Table II.2. Targeted corporate income tax rates
TABLE_II1 Table II.1. Corporate income tax rate
REVSVK Details of Tax Revenue - Slovak Republic
LAC_REVCHL Details of Tax Revenue - Chile
STANI4 STAN Database for Structural Analysis (ISIC Rev. 4)
MEM4 Social security contributions and payroll taxes paid by government
PT1 General insurance statistics
PT3 Insurance business by domestic and foreign risks
PT2 Business written in the reporting country
REVSVN Details of Tax Revenue - Slovenia
EO69_MAIN Economic Outlook No 69 - June 2001 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
MON20113_6EE 2011 O) Emerging Economies: Characteristics of policy support by country
SDBS_BDI SDBS Business Demography Indicators (ISIC Rev. 3)
REVENUE_OUT Public Finance and Employment: Kinds of Revenue
EO57_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 57 - June 1995 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
SNA_TABLE1_SNA93 1. Gross domestic product (GDP), SNA93
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER1_FIG10_PT Figura 1.13: Preços de importações de bens alimentares de primeira necessidade (base: Janeiro de….
REVUSA Details of Tax Revenue - United States
MIN2AVE Minimum relative to average wages of full-time workers
REVBEL Details of Tax Revenue - Belgium
REVDNK Details of Tax Revenue - Denmark
TABLE3A Aid (ODA) commitments to countries and regions [DAC3a]
EO85_TRADE Economic Outlook No 85 - June 2009 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
MON20123_2EE 2012 G) Emerging Economies: Consumer Support Estimate by country
DP_LIVE OECD Data Live dataset
QASA_TABLE720R Non-consolidated financial balance sheets by economic sector (Quarterly table 0720) - SNA 2008
IRTAD_CASUAL_BY_AGE Casualties by age & road user
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_TAB2_EN Table 6.2: Shares of traditional and emerging partners in Africa’s imports, exports and total tr….
EO40_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 40 - December 1986 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
TOURISM_EMPLOYMENT Employment in tourism
AEO11_OVERVIEW_CHAPTER5_TAB3_EN Table 5.3: Corruption perception index
AEO11_COUNTRYNOTES_FIG2_EN Figure 2: Stock of total external debt (percentage of GDP) and debt service (percentage of expor….
EO43_VINTAGE Economic Outlook No 43 - June 1988 - Annual Projections for OECD Countries
AEO11_INDEPTH_CHAPTER6_FIG4_EN Figure 6.4: Africa’s total volume of trade and with traditional partners (1992-2009, in billion USD)
REVDOM Details of Tax Revenue - Dominican Republic
EO77_TRADE Economic Outlook No 77 - June 2005 - Annual Trade and Payments Projections
HEALTH_LTCR Long-Term Care Resources and Utilisation


22 July 2015

