Wrapping text

wrap paragraph to column width
unfill paragraph: set fill-columnn to a really large number, and fill
C-u 10000 C-x f M-x fill-individual-paragraphs



install Fedora 22
$ sudo dnf install emacs emacs-ess

Keyboard Macros

Start defining a keyboard macro (kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter).
If a keyboard macro is being defined, end the definition; otherwise, execute the most recent keyboard macro (kmacro-end-or-call-macro).
C-x C-k n
Give a command name (for the duration of the Emacs session) to the most recently defined keyboard macro (kmacro-name-last-macro).
C-x C-k b
Bind the most recently defined keyboard macro to a key sequence (for the duration of the session) (kmacro-bind-to-key).
M-x insert-kbd-macro
Insert in the buffer a keyboard macro’s definition, as Lisp code.
add keybinding
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-\\") 'next-line)



Malabar mode



create new branch from develop
git checkout develop
git branch -b trial_merge
pull upstream in rebase mode
git pull upstream develop --rebase
  • see if merge conflicts can be solved, then perform same procedure on develop branch
  • if necessary, install ensime manually (search at stable.melpa.org and extract to ~/emacs/spacemacs/.emacs.d/elpa)
  • update packages again


maximize and center buffer
M-m W M
hide modeline
M-m t m t
show load path(s)
M-m h d v load-path
push to load path
(push "/some/path/" load-path)
remove links to .emacs and .emacs.d
$ git clone git@github.com:syl20bnr/spacemacs.git ~/Downloads/.emacs.d $ rm ~/.emacs && rm ~/.emacs.d
$ ln -s ~/Downloads/.emacs.d ~/
restore configuration
$ ln -s ~/Dropbox/Programming/emacs/.emacs ~/.emacs $ ln -s ~/Dropbox/Programming/emacs/.emacs.d ~/
using .spacemacs
$ ln -s ~/Dropbox/Programming/emacs/.spacemacs ~/.spacemacs
algernon’s emacs configuration
$ git clone git@github.com:algernon/emacs.d.git



(setq mylayer-packages
        ;; Get the package from MELPA, ELPA, etc.
        (some-package :location elpa)

        ;; A local package
        (some-package :location local)

        ;; A package recipe
        (some-package :location (recipe
                                 :fetcher github
                                 :repo "some/repo"))

        ;; An excluded package
        (some-package :excluded t)


Latex layer

create bibtex references
M-x tex-bibtex-file will run $ bibtex main in project folder containing main.aux and main.bib

Scala layer

Keybinding Function
M-m g g go to definition
M-m i i inspect type at point
M-m r f format code
M-m r i organize imports
M-m r r rename a symbol project wide
M-m s b send buffer to REPL
M-m s r send region of code to REPL
M-m t r run quick tests


+;; https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/wiki/Running-figwheel-with-Emacs-Inferior-Clojure-Interaction-Mode
+(defun clojure/figwheel-repl ()
+  (interactive)
+  (run-clojure "lein figwheel"))
+;; (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook #'inf-clojure-minor-mode) 

C/C++ layer

Key Binding Description
M-m g a open matching file (e.g. switch between .cpp and .h)
M-g A open matching file in another window (e.g. switch between .cpp and .h)
M-m D disaster: disassemble c/c++ code
M-m r srefactor: refactor thing at point.

Python layer

Send code to inferior process commands:

Key Binding Description
M-m s b send buffer and keep code buffer focused
M-m s B send buffer and switch to REPL in insert mode
M-m s f send function and keep code buffer focused
M-m s F send function and switch to REPL in insert mode
M-m s i start inferior REPL process
M-m s r send region and keep code buffer focused
M-m s R send region and switch to REPL in insert mode
CTRL+j next item in REPL history
CTRL+k previous item in REPL history

** Running Python Script in shell To run a Python script like you would in the shell press M-m c c to start the Python script in comint mode. This is useful when working with multiple Python files since the REPL does not reload changes made in other modules.

Key Binding Description
M-m c c Execute current file in a comint shell
M-m c C Execute current file in a comint shell and switch to it in =insert state=

Note: With the universal argument SPC u you can enter a new compilation command.

** Testing Test commands start with m t:

No Debug Description
M-m t a launch all tests of the project
M-m t b launch all tests of the current buffer (same as module)
M-m t m launch all tests of the current module
M-m t s launch all tests of the current suite (only with =nose=)
M-m t t launch the current test (function)
Debug Description
M-m t A launch all tests of the project in debug mode
M-m t B launch all tests of the current buffer (module) in debug mode
M-m t M launch all tests of the current module in debug mode
M-m t S launch all tests of the current suite in debug mode (only with =nose=)
M-m t T launch the current test (function) in debug mode

** Refactoring

Key Binding Description
M-m r i remove unused imports with [[https://github.com/myint/autoflake][autoflake]]

** Other Python commands

Key Binding Description
M-m = Reformat the buffer according to PEP8 using [[https://github.com/google/yapf][YAPF]]
M-m d b toggle a breakpoint
M-m g g go to definition using =anaconda-mode-find-definitions= (C-o to jump back)
M-m g a go to assignment using =anaconda-mode-find-assignments= (C-o to jump back)
M-m g u navigate between usages with =anaconda-mode-find-references=
M-m h d look for documentation using =helm-pydoc=
M-m h h quick documentation using anaconda
M-m h H open documentation in =firefox= using [[https://github.com/tsgates/pylookup][pylookup]]
M-m v s activate a virtual environment with [[https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv][pyenv]]
M-m v u deactivate a virtual environment with [[https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv][pyenv]]
M-m V activate a virtual environment with [[https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/pyvenv][pyvenv]]


Source Code Pro

install Fedora 23
sudo dnf install -y adobe-source-code-pro-fonts

window modes


Environment Variables

(getenv "SPARK_HOME")

Major Modes

list keybindings for a certain mode
C-h m or M-x describe-mode (minor modes: M-x describe-minor-mode)
check emacs version
M-x emacs-version
highlight phrase (hi-black-hb works well)
M-x highlight-phrase


C-x w show feeds
g or G update
n next, p previous, b open in browser, q quit

Org Mode

no TOC
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
use css stylesheet
#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./static/style.css" />
C-c C-l (with cursor on existing link)
When the cursor is on an existing link, C-c C-l allows you to edit the link and description parts of the link.

org koma letter

see examples at ~/Dropbox/Latex_Files/Application/org

produce PDF

M-x org-koma-letter-export-to-pdf


this adds emacs-scrum to spacemacs


  • change value org-enable-reveal-js-support in /.emacs.d/layers/+emacs/org/config.el from nil to t
  • create folder for presentations, e.g. mkdir slides
  • clone repo reveal.js into /slides/reveal.js
  • save Readme.org in new file, e.g. /slides/Readme.org
  • open /slides/Readme.org in spacemacs
  • M-x load-library [Ret] ox-reveal [Ret]
  • C-c C-e R R to render /slides/Readme.html
  • open in browser (preview with s only currently only working in Chrome)


$ cd ~/.emacs.d/lisp
$ git clone git@github.com:edavis/org-opml.git
modify ~/.emacs
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/org-opml")
(load-library "org-opml")
copy python script
$ ln -s ~/.emacs.d/lisp/org-opml/opml2org.py

Org Spreadsheet

show grid
C-c }
activate formula debugging mode
C-c {
add column left
M-S <right> (M-S = Alt + Shift)
remove column
M-S <left>
add row above
M-S <down>
delete current row
M-S <up>
insert a horizontal line below current row
C-c - or org-table-insert-hline
permanently calculate column sum
e.g. :=vsum(@2..@-1) where @ is the last line or :=vsum(@I..@II) making use of horizontal lines
re-apply all stored equations to entire table
C-u C-c *

HTML export commands

C-c C-e h h

Export as an HTML file. For an Org file myfile.org, the HTML file will be myfile.html. The file will be overwritten without warning. C-c C-e h o Export as an HTML file and immediately open it with a browser.

C-c C-e h H

Export to a temporary buffer. Do not create a file.


Activate evaluation of ditaa source code blocks by adding ditaa to org-babel-load-languages.

 '((ditaa . t))) ; this line activates ditaa

Emacs Server

start daemon
$ emacs --daemon
open file in client
$ emacsclient /path/to/file
exit client
C-x C-c

frequently used commands

delete Emacs backup files
$ rm $(find . -name '*.*~')
count words
toggle auto-fill-mode
M-x auto-fill-mode
type latex characters such as using \Rightarrow
M-x set-input-method RET tex or use latex-input





specifies sbt.version
(ensime-write-to-file buildpropsfile "sbt.version=0.13.11\n")
ensime-update in scala layer error: eof expected but ';' found. scalaBinaryVersion := "2.11"
in /.emacs.d/elpa/ensime-[version]/ remove ensime-startup.elc and enter empty line between scalaVersion := \"_scala_version_\" and scalaBinaryVersion := \"_scala_binary_version_\"


to be executed in case ensime cannot be started with the message Could not find or load main class org.ensime.server.Server


run ENSIME under Windows
remove stored classpath snapshots after update of activator distribution (e.g. from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7)
$ ~/.emacs.d/ensime


cycle through code completion
check inferenced type (Ensime-Inspector)
C-c C-v i
for symbols use C-c C-v r
move inside project
M-. and M-*
launche sbt console
C-c C-v s
go to test file
C-c C-t t

if ensime opens / creates a “Spec” test file (and doesn’t find existing “Test” files in src/test location), modify ensime-goto-test-config-defaults: swap Spec with Test in :test-class-suffixes (in ensime-vars.el)

run tests
all tests C-c C-b T (if in a test file, only this test will be run)
only one unit test C-c C-b o, see sbt Testing
testQuick C-c C-b t
interrupting ~compile
M-x send-invisible RET C-q j RET



An emacs mode for interacting with sbt, scala console (aka REPL) and sbt projects.

install sbt-mode
M-x package-install RET sbt-mode
start sbt
M-x sbt-start
sbt command history
M-x comint-previous-input or M-p
jump back to the last line
start scala console from within sbt
send region from other buffer
M-x sbt-send-region

Buffer Mode

convert buffer format DOS / UNIX
C-x RET f or M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system
format examples: dos, unix, utf-8-unix
select whole buffer
C-x h

using giter8 templates

install template package
M-x package-install RET template RET
add line to .emacs
(require 'template)

Dired Mode

copy names of marked files
new folder in dired mode
flag file for deletion (dired-flag-file-deletion).
remove the deletion flag (dired-unmark).
move point to previous line and remove the deletion flag on that line (dired-unmark-backward).
Delete files flagged for deletion (dired-do-flagged-delete).

File encoding

save file with new encoding, e.g. utf-8
C-x C-m c <encoding> RET C-x C-w RET
file conversion with iconv
R command iconvlist() provides an alphabetical list of the supported encodings

ESS Mode

extend column width of R-process link stat.ethz.ch
ess-execute-screen-options or C-c w
render rmarkdown
M-n e or M-x polymode-export
render sweave
M-n r or M-x ess-swv-knit

.emacs configuration

Skewer Mode


  • open javascript file
  • M-x js2-mode
  • M-x skewer-mode
  • M-x run-skewer
  • open browser at
  • select blocks of JS buffer and evaluate with C-x C-e
  • M-x skewer-repl or C-c C-z to open REPL into the browser

Other commands:

  • C-M-x Evaluate the top-level form around the point
  • C-c C-k Load the current buffer

Passing external files using simple-httpd

JavaScript Mode

install el-get
copy/paste this code into your scratch buffer and evaluate using M-x eval-print-last-exp
 (lambda (s)  
   (goto-char (point-max))  

Source: github.com:dimitri/el-get.git

install js-comint
el-get-install js-comint

Source: livecode nodejs apps on coderwall



start inf-ruby
M-x inf-ruby
set minor mode for buffer
M-x inf-ruby-minor-mode
send region from buffer to inf-ruby
C-c C-r

inf-ruby minor mode keybindings

M-x describe-function [RET] inf-ruby-minor-mode [RET]

key binding
C-c Prefix Command
C-x Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
C-c C-b ruby-send-block
C-c C-l ruby-load-file
C-c C-r ruby-send-region
C-c C-s inf-ruby
C-c C-x ruby-send-definition
C-c C-z ruby-switch-to-inf
C-c ESC Prefix Command
C-x C-e ruby-send-last-sexp
C-M-x ruby-send-definition
C-c M-b ruby-send-block-and-go
C-c M-r ruby-send-region-and-go
C-c M-x ruby-send-definition-and-go

Android Mode

modify ~/.emacs

set path to Android SDK
(setq android-mode-sdk-dir "~/android-sdk-linux/")
specify default AVD (after creation)
(setq android-mode-avd "my_android6.0")
Key binding Function
C-c C-c c android-ant-compile
C-c C-c d android-start-ddms
C-c C-c e android-start-emulator
C-c C-c i android-ant-install
C-c C-c l android-logcat
C-c C-c r android-ant-reinstall
C-c C-c u android-ant-uninstall

example “android-project”

activate android-mode
M-x android-mode
open project build.xml
C-f ~/Dropbox/GitHub/android-project/build.xml
creates /bin/<your_project_name>-debug.apk
install to device previously started from external shell using emulator -avd my_android6.0


CC Mode

CC Mode is a powerful package that provides modes for editing C and C-like (C++, Java, Objective C, CORBA IDL, etc.) files. For much more information (including an InfoMode manual), see the CC Mode homepage: cc-mode.sourceforge.net

compile CC Mode from a running Emacs session
M-0 M-x byte-recompile-directory RET /path/to/cc-mode RET
To test that you have things set up correctly, visit a C file and then type
M-x c-version RET


C-x r k Kill the text of the region-rectangle, saving its contents as the “last killed rectangle” (kill-rectangle).

C-x r M-w Save the text of the region-rectangle as the “last killed rectangle” (copy-rectangle-as-kill).

C-x r d Delete the text of the region-rectangle (delete-rectangle).

C-x r y Yank the last killed rectangle with its upper left corner at point (yank-rectangle).

C-x r o Insert blank space to fill the space of the region-rectangle (open-rectangle). This pushes the previous contents of the region-rectangle to the right.

C-x r N Insert line numbers along the left edge of the region-rectangle (rectangle-number-lines). This pushes the previous contents of the region-rectangle to the right.

C-x r c Clear the region-rectangle by replacing all of its contents with spaces (clear-rectangle).

M-x delete-whitespace-rectangle Delete whitespace in each of the lines on the specified rectangle, starting from the left edge column of the rectangle.

C-x r t string RET Replace rectangle contents with string on each line (string-rectangle).

M-x string-insert-rectangle RET string RET Insert string on each line of the rectangle.

C-x SPC Toggle Rectangle Mark mode (rectangle-mark-mode). When this mode is active, the region-rectangle is highlighted and can be shrunk/grown, and the standard kill and yank commands operate on it.

CSV Mode csv-mode.el

In CSV mode, the following commands are available:

sort lexicographically and numerically on a specified field or column
C-c C-s ('csv-sort-fields') and C-c C-n ('csv-sort-numeric-fields')
reverse the order
C-c C-r ('csv-reverse-region')
kill and yank fields or columns
C-c C-k ('csv-kill-fields') and C-c C-y ('csv-yank-fields')
aligns fields into columns
C-c C-a ('csv-align-fields')
unalign previously aligned fields
C-c C-u ('csv-unalign-fields')
interchange rows and columns
C-c C-t ('csv-transpose')

Shell Mode

start shell mode
M-x shell
start additional shell
C-u M-x shell enter name Ret
execute region
C-M-x or M-x append-to-buffer RET
execute script
C-c C-x

W3M web browser

We can use standard Emacs controls for moving cursor (C-n, C-p, C-f, C-b) as well as Vim’s (g,h,j,k). Vim’s controls are really handy when you need to move cursor with one hand.
Jumping to links
Tab will go you to next link. Shift-Tab to previous
Visiting different tabs
w3m has tabs like system. You can easily change tabs (buffers) with Emacs’ standard C-x b or use C-c C-n for next tab and C-c C-p for previous tab.
Open link in new tab
Just entering G will do the job. It will prompt for a url with the url under cursor as default.
Open link in same tab/buffer
g works similar to G but opens url in current tab only.
Go to previous page
B will act as ‘Back’ button of standard browsers
Toggle visibility of image under cursor
t shows or hides an image under cursor
Toggle visibility of all images on page
Download url under point
Move to next form field
Move to previous form field
access the help buffer
C-h m


begin composing mail compose-mail
C-x m
attach file (mml-attach-file)
C-c C-a
send the message message-send
C-c C-s
send the message and bury the buffer message-send-and-exit
C-c C-c

SMTP account configuration

edit user mail address
(custom-set-variables '(user-mail-address "bo.werth@gmail.com") )

Edit modes

Google Chrome integration

edit Gmail message with Emacs (after installing Edit with Emacs and editing the Chrome shortcuts)
Ctrl + Shift + E
when done editing, export back to Gmail
C-x #


Install Fedora 26

rebuild index
mu index --rebuild


start mu4e
M-m a M
synchronize emails and index mu4e
go to inbox
j INBOX or j-i
reply message
delete message
D x y
close header view
q or z
show keybindings in mu4e
M-m ?
Topic Key Description
  n, p view the next, previous message
  ], [ move to the next, previous unread message
  y select the message view (if it’s visible)
  RET open the message at point in the message view
  s search
  S edit last query
  / narrow the search
  b search bookmark
  B edit bookmark before search
  j jump to maildir
  M-left, M-right previous query, next query
  O change sort order
  P toggle threading
  Q toggle full-search
  V toggle skip-duplicates
  W toggle include-related
  d mark for moving to the trash folder
  = mark for removing trash flag (‘untrash’)
  DEL, D mark for complete deletion
  m mark for moving to another maildir folder
  r mark for refiling
  +, - mark for flagging/unflagging
  ?, ! mark message as unread, read
  u unmark message at point
  U unmark all messages
  % mark based on a regular expression
  T, t mark whole thread, subthread
  [insert], * mark for ‘something’ (decide later)
  # resolve deferred ‘something’ marks
  x execute actions for the marked messages
  R, F, C reply/forward/compose
  E edit (only allowed for draft messages)
  ; switch focus
  a execute some custom action on a header
  | pipe message through shell command
  C-+, C– increase / decrease the number of headers shown
  H get help
  C-S-u update mail & reindex
  q leave the headers buffer


(setq mu4e-headers-skip-duplicates t)

(setq mu4e-get-mail-command "offlineimap")

(setq mu4e-maildir "~/Maildir")

(setq mu4e-drafts-folder
      (lambda (msg)
        ;; the 'and msg' is to handle the case where msg is nil
        (if (and msg
                 (mu4e-message-contact-field-matches msg :from "bo.werth@gmail.com"))
            "/Personal/[Google Mail].Drafts"
          "/Personal/[Google Mail].Drafts")))

(setq mu4e-sent-folder
      (lambda (msg)
        ;; the 'and msg' is to handle the case where msg is nil
        (if (and msg
                 (mu4e-message-contact-field-matches msg :from "bo.werth@gmail.com"))
            "/Personal/[Google Mail].Sent Mail"
          "/Personal/[Google Mail].Sent Mail")))

(setq mu4e-trash-folder
      (lambda (msg)
        ;; the 'and msg' is to handle the case where msg is nil
        (if (and msg
                 (mu4e-message-contact-field-matches msg :to "bo.werth@gmail.com"))
            "/Personal/[Google Mail].Trash"
          "/Personal/[Google Mail].Trash")))

(setq mu4e-maildir-shortcuts
    '( ("/Personal/INBOX"                     . ?i)
       ("/Personal/[Google Mail].Sent Mail"   . ?s)))


accounts = Gmail
maxsyncaccounts = 3

[Account Gmail]
localrepository = Local
remoterepository = Remote

[Repository Local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Maildir/Personal

[Repository Remote]
type = IMAP
remotehost = imap.gmail.com
remoteuser = bo.werth@gmail.com
remotepass = ********
ssl = yes
maxconnections = 1
realdelete = no
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in ['INBOX', 'INBOX/Starred', '[Google Mail]/Sent Mail']

mbsync vs offlineimap

start isync
isync -w
show mbsync manual
man mbsync
perform sync
mbsync -V gmail
create symbolic link
ln -s ~/mbsync/.mbsyncrc ~/
delete mu index and re-index
rm -rf ~/.mu
mu index


Waderlust requires the following three configuration files:

  • ~/.wl Wanderlust Configuration (loaded at startup)
  • ~/.folders Folder Book
  • ~/.addresses Address Book (optional)

Each sample file (dot.addresses, dot.folders, dot.wl) exists on samples/en/ directory. Please refer to them. To get full information, please read Info file.

Folder Definition
IMAP Folder

A folder to access e-mails via IMAP4rev1 protocol (RFC 2060).

``%’ mailbox [:' username [/’ authenticate-type]][@' hostname][:’ port][!']

format for ~/.folders

# Lines begin with ‘#’ are comment.
# Empty lines are ignored
# folder name  "folder nickname"
# (nicknames are not necessary)
%inbox  "Inbox"
+trash  "Trash"
+draft  "Drafts"
%#mh/Backup@my.imap.example.com "Sent"
# Folder Group
    %#mh/spool/wl            "Wanderlust ML"
    %#mh/spool/elips         "ELIPS ML"
    %#mh/spool/apel-ja       "APEL Japanese ML"
    %#mh/spool/xemacs-beta   "XEmacs beta"
    -fj.news.reader.gnus@other.nntp.example.com "Gnus Net news"
    *-fj.editor.xemacs,-fj.editor.mule,-fj.editor.emacs "fj's Emacsen"
# If folder name ends with ‘/’, that means an ‘access group’,
# all subfolders automatically included in one folder group.
%#mh/expire@localhost /
# All MH folders are included in one folder group.
+ /

Secure authentication


M-x package-install RET processing-mode


M-x list-packages and select helm



helm integration
M-x package-install RET helm-projectile
M-x helm-projectile or C-c p h

helm-projectile is capable of opening multiple files by marking the files with C-SPC or mark all files with M-a. Then, press RET, all the selected files will be opened.

Run in terminal

no window mode
emacs -nw or emacs --no-window-system
C-x C-c
start as daemon -
emacs --daemon and then using emacsclient -t
try to connect to a runnning emacs daemon - if none is running, it will startup a new one, and then connect using the current terminal window
emacsclient -nw -c -a "" or ``emacsclient -nw –create-frame –alternate-editor “”`

External IDE Integration



The GUD (Grand Unified Debugger) library provides an Emacs interface to a wide variety of symbolic debuggers. It can run the GNU Debugger (GDB), as well as DBX, SDB, XDB, Perl’s debugging mode, the Python debugger PDB, and the Java Debugger JDB.

M-x gdb
Run GDB as a subprocess, and interact with it via an IDE-like Emacs interface
M-x jdb
Run the Java debugger





25 January 2015

