
list packages
npm list -g >> ~/Downlads/npm-packages.txt
use registry
npm install --registry=
set registry
npm config set registry

local registry

docker stop sinopia
  • verdaccio fork of sinopia that works with @ packages (e.g. @types)
start server
use local registry
npm install --registry=http://localhost:4873/
npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873/
  • add to package.json
  "...": {

  "publishConfig": {
    "registry": "http://localhost:4873/",
    "always-auth": false,
    "_auth": "...",
    "email": ""
  • publish to registry using npm publish
  • add registry": "http://localhost:4873/ to .npmrc in project root



ingore lint issues “use before imported”

/* global d3, packageHierarchy, packageImports, mouseovered, mouseouted, self */

attach library to js file

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "";

add style information (CSS) to JavaScript

var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = "body { background-color: black; } .node { font: 300 11px 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; fill: #bbb; } .node:hover { fill: #000; } .link { stroke : #8064A2; stroke-opacity: .4; fill: none; pointer-events: none; } .node:hover, .node--source, .node--target { font-weight: 700; } .node--source { fill: #4F81BD; } .node--target { fill: #C0504D; } .link--source, .link--target { stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 2px; } .link--source { stroke: #C0504D; } .link--target { stroke: #4F81BD; }";

Install Fedora 25

cd ~/Downloads
sudo mv ./mosquito-brackets-fedora-25.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo dnf install -y brackets

Build Fedora 25

cd ~/src/javascript/brackets
git submodule update --init
# if missing
# sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
cd ~/src/javascript/brackets-shell
git checkout linux-1547
npm install
grunt setup
grunt build
  • select /home/xps13/src/javascript/brackets/src/index.html

prevent having to select index.html at each start

cd ~/src/javascript/brackets
bash ./tools/ /home/xps13/src/javascript/brackets-shell/out/Release

Using spec files

  • both spec files could not find the cef version on S3
  • cef version also not available from cefbuilds
cd ~/src/unix/brackets
## wget
fedpkg --release f25 local

JS Commands

test NaN
isNaN(NaN) -> true



load jQuery into browser console

var script = document.createElement("script");
  script.setAttribute("src", "//");
  script.addEventListener('load', function() {
    var script = document.createElement("script");
  }, false);
  // ... give time for script to load, then type.

Supersets compiling to JavaScript


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output


Dart is an open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

JavaScript package manager (JSPM)

Registry and format agnostic

install jspm CLI
$ sudo npm install jspm -g

$ jspm dl-loader --latest






  • tasks/bundle.js: run npm run build -- dev or npm run build -- --dev to include source map in the plotly.js bundle. This script is meant for dist builds; the output bundles are placed in plotly.js/dist/. Use npm run watch for dev builds
remove npm
sudo /usr/local/bin/npm rm npm -g
install nvm
curl -o- | bash
install node
nvm install node
nvm use node
install grunt
npm install -g grunt (sudo not necessary with nvm)
install latest npm
npm install npm@latest -g

the following steps were required with npm version < 5.0.3

## install mapbox-gl-js
git clone
cd mapbox-gl-js
git checkout v0.22.1-branch
npm install -g
npm install deps/mapbox-gl-shaders
npm install deps/mapbox-gl-style-spec
## modify `plotly.js/package.json`
-    "mapbox-gl": "^0.22.0",
 +    "@plotly/mapbox-gl": "0.22.1",
## modify `/src/plots/mapbox/index.js and `/src/plots/mapbox/mapbox.js`
## replace `mapbox-gl` with `@plotly/mapbox-gl`

continue here

cd /home/xps13/src/javascript/plotly.js
npm install
rm node_modules
npm run build -- dev

Custom Bundle

  • make copy of lib/index-cartesian.js and add to tasks/util/constants.js (rename e.g. lib/index-custom.js)
var Plotly = require('./core');


module.exports = Plotly;
  • execute npm run build -- dev

modify glyph-name="plotlylogo" in src/fonts/ploticon/ploticon.svg

<glyph glyph-name="plotlylogo" unicode="&#xe80a;" d="m0-10h182v-140h-182v140z m228 146h183v-286h-183v286z m225 714h182v-1000h-182v1000z m225-285h182v-715h-182v715z m225 142h183v-857h-183v857z m231-428h182v-429h-182v429z m225-291h183v-138h-183v138z" horiz-adv-x="1542" />

fontello globe

<glyph glyph-name="globe" unicode="&#xe800;" d="M429 779q116 0 215-58t156-156 57-215-57-215-156-156-215-58-216 58-155 156-58 215 58 215 155 156 216 58z m153-291q-2-1-6-5t-7-6q1 0 2 3t3 6 2 4q3 4 12 8 8 4 29 7 19 5 29-6-1 1 5 7t8 7q2 1 8 3t9 4l1 12q-7-1-10 4t-3 12q0-2-4-5 0 4-2 5t-7-1-5-1q-5 2-8 5t-5 9-2 8q-1 3-5 6t-5 6q-1 1-2 3t-1 4-3 3-3 1-4-3-4-5-2-3q-2 1-4 1t-2-1-3-1-3-2q-1-2-4-2t-5-1q8 3-1 6-5 2-9 2 6 2 5 6t-5 8h3q-1 2-5 5t-10 5-7 3q-5 3-19 5t-18 1q-3-4-3-6t2-8 2-7q1-3-3-7t-3-7q0-4 7-9t6-12q-2-4-9-9t-9-6q-3-5-1-11t6-9q1-1 1-2t-2-3-3-2-4-2l-1-1q-7-3-12 3t-7 15q-4 14-9 17-13 4-16-1-3 7-23 15-14 5-33 2 4 0 0 8-4 9-10 7 1 3 2 10t0 7q2 8 7 13 1 1 4 5t5 7 1 4q19-3 28 6 2 3 6 9t6 10q5 3 8 3t8-3 8-3q8-1 8 6t-4 11q7 0 2 10-2 4-5 5-6 2-15-3-4-2 2-4-1 0-6-6t-9-10-9 3q0 0-3 7t-5 8q-5 0-9-9 1 5-6 9t-14 4q11 7-4 15-4 3-12 3t-11-2q-2-4-3-7t3-4 6-3 6-2 5-2q8-6 5-8-1 0-5-2t-6-2-4-2q-1-3 0-8t-1-8q-3 3-5 10t-4 9q4-5-14-3l-5 0q-3 0-9-1t-12-1-7 5q-3 4 0 11 0 2 2 1-2 2-6 5t-6 5q-25-8-52-23 3 0 6 1 3 1 8 4t5 3q19 7 24 4l3 2q7-9 11-14-4 3-17 1-11-3-12-7 4-6 2-10-2 2-6 6t-8 6-8 3q-9 0-13-1-81-45-131-124 4-4 7-4 2-1 3-5t1-6 6 1q5-4 2-10 1 0 25-15 10-10 11-12 2-6-5-10-1 1-5 5t-5 2q-2-3 0-10t6-7q-4 0-5-9t-2-20 0-13l1-1q-2-6 3-19t12-11q-7-1 11-24 3-4 4-5 2-1 7-4t9-6 5-5q2-3 6-13t8-13q-2-3 5-11t6-13q-1 0-2-1t-1 0q2-4 9-8t8-7q1-2 1-6t2-6 4-1q2 11-13 35-8 13-9 16-2 2-4 8t-2 8q1 0 3 0t5-2 4-3 1-1q-1-4 1-10t7-10 10-11 6-7q4-4 8-11t0-8q5 0 11-5t10-11q3-5 4-15t3-13q1-4 5-8t7-5l9-5t7-3q3-2 10-6t12-7q6-2 9-2t8 1 8 2q8 1 16-8t12-12q20-10 30-6-1 0 1-4t4-9 5-8 3-5q3-3 10-8t10-8q4 2 4 5-1-5 4-11t10-6q8 2 8 18-17-8-27 10 0 0-2 3t-2 5-1 4 0 5 2 1q5 0 6 2t-1 7-2 8q-1 4-6 11t-7 8q-3-5-9-4t-9 5q0-1-1-3t-1-4q-7 0-8 0 1 2 1 10t2 13q1 2 3 6t5 9 2 7-3 5-9 1q-11 0-15-11-1-2-2-6t-2-6-5-4q-4-2-14-1t-13 3q-8 4-13 16t-5 20q0 6 1 15t2 14-3 14q2 1 5 5t5 6q2 1 3 1t3 0 2 1 1 3q0 1-2 2-1 1-2 1 4-1 16 1t15-1q9-6 12 1 0 1-1 6t0 7q3-15 16-5 2-1 9-3t9-2q2-1 4-3t3-3 3 0 5 4q5-8 7-13 6-23 10-25 4-2 6-1t3 5 0 8-1 7l-1 5v10l0 4q-8 2-10 7t0 10 9 10q0 1 4 2t9 4 7 4q12 11 8 20 4 0 6 5 0 0-2 2t-5 2-2 2q5 2 1 8 3 2 4 7t4 5q5-6 12-1 5 5 1 9 2 4 11 6t10 5q4-1 5 1t0 7 2 7q2 2 9 5t7 2l9 7q2 2 0 2 10-1 18 6 5 6-4 11 2 4-1 5t-9 4q2 0 7 0t5 1q9 5-3 9-10 2-24-7z m-91-490q115 21 195 106-1 2-7 2t-7 2q-10 4-13 5 1 4-1 7t-5 5-7 5-6 4q-1 1-4 3t-4 3-4 2-5 2-5-1l-2-1q-2 0-3-1t-3-2-2-1 0-2q-12 10-20 13-3 0-6 3t-6 4-6 0-6-3q-3-3-4-9t-1-7q-4 3 0 10t1 10q-1 3-6 2t-6-2-7-5-5-3-4-3-5-5q-2-2-4-6t-2-6q-1 2-7 3t-5 3q1-5 2-19t3-22q4-17-7-26-15-14-16-23-2-12 7-14 0-4-5-12t-4-12q0-3 2-9z" horiz-adv-x="857.1" />


Plotly’s open source javascript graphing library, plotly.js, includes multiple different trace types (e.g. pie, scatter, bar, choropleth etc.) and as we add more types - especially with the inclusion of WebGL types - our bundle size grows ever more daunting. For a while, we’ve received requests to implement a module system, and have recently published our first modular release, allowing users to bundle only the specific trace modules they need.

  • plot export: in order to save as a static image in a vector image format, the plotly API is connected. This requires an online connection and slows down the generation of images.




check Node version
$ node -v
update Node.js using n (Node version management)
$ sudo npm install -g n
$ sudo n stable



  • Full web stack, no browser required
  • PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API
  • it has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG


Mean.js is a full-fledged JavaScript framework to build web applications using NoSQL database, MongoDB as well as Angular.js for the front-end and Express.js/Node.js for the backend (server). It also leverages the Grunt tool to enable automated testing. Mean.js and are both considered a part of Mean stack. Mean stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js and Node.js. Ziploop is one example of a popular mobile application used for shopping which is designed using Mean stack.


clone from github
git clone meanjs
install bower if not existing
npm install -g bower
navigate to cloned repo and install node dependencies (more than one time in case of errors?)
npm install
run application in dev mode on port 3000 (after starting mongodb instance)

using Yeoman

follow instructions at

install the yo scaffolding tool
sudo npm install -g yo
install the MEAN.JS generator
npm install -g generator-meanjs
navigate to project folder, generate new project in current folder
yo meanjs

existing installations

mean > MEAN
master, CRUD, no chat
mean-4.0.0 > MEAN
v4.0.0, CRUD, no chat





  • Fast 3kB alternative to React with the same ES6 API.




26 July 2015

