Application Developer Guides



Writing an XML document to the database

Note that no changes you make to a document or its metadata persist until you write the document out to the database. Within your application, you are only manipulating it within system memory, and those changes will vanish when the application ends. The database content is constant until and unless a write or delete operation changes it.

The basic steps needed to write a document are:

If you have not already done so, connect to the database, storing the connection in a com.marklogic.client.DatabaseClient object.

DatabaseClient client = DatabaseClientFactory.newClient(
  host, port, user, password, authType);

If you have not already done so, use the DatabaseClient object to create a com.marklogic.client.document.DocumentManager object of the appropriate subclass for the document content you want to access (XML, text, JSON, binary, generic). In this example code, an XMLDocumentManager.

XMLDocumentManager docMgr = client.newXMLDocumentManager();

Get the document’s content. For example, by using an InputStream.

FileInputStream docStream = new FileInputStream(

Create a handle associated with the input stream to receive the document’s content. How you get content determines which handle you use. Use the handle’s set() method to associate it with the desired stream.

InputStreamHandle handle = new InputStreamHandle(docStream);

Write the document’s content by calling a write() method on the DocumentManager, with arguments of the document’s URI and the handle.

docMgr.write(docId, handle);

When finished with the database, release the connection resources by calling the DatabaseClient object’s release() method.



execute gradle tasks in subfolder sample-project

deploy (can run twice - different things happen, check details using gradle -i mlDeploy)
gradle mlDeploy
gradle mlUndeploy
open in browser
localhost:8100 with credentials ‘mlUsername’ = “sample-project-rest-admin” and mlPassword = “password”
sample query
curl --anyauth --user admin:admin -X GET -i http://localhost:8100/v1/config/query

data manipulation using curl

put JSON document
curl -v --digest --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"person":{"first":"John", "last":"Doe"}}' "http://localhost:8100/v1/documents?uri=/docs/person.json"
retrieve JSON document
curl --anyauth --user admin:admin -X GET -i http://localhost:8100/v1/documents?uri=/docs/person.json
remove JSON document
curl -v --digest --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "http://localhost:8100/v1/documents?uri=/docs/person.json"
put XML document
curl -v --digest --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X PUT -d '<person><first>John</first><last>Doe</last></person>' "http://localhost:8100/v1/documents?uri=/docs/person.xml"
retrieve XML document
curl --anyauth --user admin:admin -X GET -i http://localhost:8100/v1/documents?uri=/docs/person.xml
remove XML document
curl -v --digest --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "http://localhost:8100/v1/documents?uri=/docs/person.xml"
remove all documents in sample-project-content
gradle mlClearContentDatabase -PdeleteAll=true

data manipulation using mlcp

build.gradle mlcp task: import sample data from sample-project/data/import
gradle importSampleData

the application UI lives at localhost:8000. in order to view the contents of the loaded document, go to the Query Console, select Content Source: sample-project-content (sample-project-modules: /, server: sample-project)

using curl
curl --anyauth --user admin:admin -X GET -i http://localhost:8100/v1/documents?uri=/import/sample-doc.xml

data manipulation using JavaScript

using JavaScript from query console

load example SCOPUS files

  • unzip and copy to sample-project/data/import
  • run gradle importSampleData
  • adds to collection “sample-import”
  • check content using “Admin” UI at localhost:8001 (user: admin, password: admin)
  • splits content into 4 “forests” (Configure > Databases > sample-project-content)
loading example 1
2009 eids-from-920001-to-930000
10000 subfolders, each containing 2 files
compressed size
75.3 MB (75,299,386 bytes)
decompressed size on disk
422.6 MB
time used for loading
1 mins 23.012 secs
size in database after loading
791 MB
loading example 1
2009 eids-from-920001-to-1000000
8 times 10000 files
compressed size
613.2 MB
decompressed size on disk
3.5 GB
time used for loading
990 sec
size in database after loading
6529 MB



rest-properties.json file in the root of this directory is used to configure the properties of the REST API server

Sample Stack

Replacing Data

  • seed-data is downloaded from and stored at appserver/java-spring/build/seed-data/seed-data
data is loaded by
  • the MarkLogicSlurpTask.groovy is sourced in appserver/java-spring/build.gradle

Gradle Operations

navigate to folder
cd appserver/java-spring
show list of possible tasks
./gradlew tasks
Application tasks
bootRun - Run the project with support for auto-detecting main class and reloading static resources
installApp - Installs the project as a JVM application along with libs and OS specific scripts.
run - Runs this project as a JVM application


MarkLogic version 8.0-1,1, 8.0-2 or 8.0-3 download from products
start ML server (will autostart after reboot)
sudo /etc/init.d/MarkLogic start
compared to RHEL, Fedora provides instead of
sudo ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/


stop marklogic
$ sudo /etc/init.d/marklogic stop
uninstall MarkLogic package
$ sudo rpm -e MarkLogic

Using this procedure to remove MarkLogic from your system will not remove user data (configuration information, XQuery files used by HTTP or XDBC servers, or forest content). This data is left in place to simplify the software upgrade process. If you wish to remove the user data, you must do so manually using standard operating system commands.

JavaScript setup

resolve gulp version conflict
sudo npm uninstall -g gulp, sudo npm install -g
default global gulp installation (latest)
sudo npm install -g gulp
install JavaScript dependencies
cd marklogic-samplestack, npm install
update dependencies
npm update
first-time setup and initial test (requires running marklogic server)
gulp once --browser=<browsername> supply one of “chrome”, “firefox” or “ie”
build, unit-test, run
gulp run
run in watch mode
gulp watch


MarkLogic Content Pump (MLCP)

$ ./ml local mlcp import -input_file_path sample-data -document_type json


Slush generator for a MarkLogic/node project

The application assumes that you’re storing JSON data. This shows up in the default format request for the MLRest service’s searchContext, the detailController’s (detail-ctrl.js) request to get a document, and in the out-of-the-box detail view.


Roxy is a utility for configuring and deploying MarkLogic applications. Using Roxy you can define your app servers, databases, forests, groups, tasks, etc in local configuration files. Roxy can then remotely create, update, and remove those settings from the command line.


04 August 2015

