
Download 14.1 ROM

Download GApps

Download su add-on

enable USB debugging

  • Settings > About > Firmware > tap “Version” 7 times
  • go back to settings, scroll to “Developer Options”
  • enable “USB Debugging”
  • connect USB cable
  • allow connections on phone from PC
  • test access using adb devices
  • copy lineage, open_gapps and addonsu to phone internal memory
adb push /sdcard/
adb push /sdcard/
adb push /sdcard/

Unlock Device App

adb install ZE500CL_UnlockTool_0909.apk

Download TWRP Zenfone 2 Z00D

adb devices
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
fastboot flash recovery TRWP-recovery-Z00D-3.0.2-2.img
adb reboot bootloader


update Android SDK
$ android sdk update
update project to create
$ android update project -p /path/to/project -t android-23


$ ant debug
$ ant release

Connect device

  • got to “Settings” - “About” and tap build number 7 times
  • developer options appear in main settings
  • activate “debugging over USB”
check connect status of device
$ cd $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/
$ adb devices
if device unauthorized, restart adb-server
$ adb kill-server
$ adb start-server
install without remove
$ adb install -r "bin/FileStorage-debug.apk"
copy a file to SD card
$ adb push /sdcard/

Create from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Apache Cordova

Cordova wraps your HTML/JavaScript app into a native container which can access the device functions of several platforms. These functions are exposed via a unified JavaScript API, allowing you to easily write one set of code to target nearly every phone or tablet on the market today and publish to their app stores.


PhoneGap is the original and most popular distribution of Apache Cordova.

Android SDK

Android SDK setup

after download and extract SDK tools (approx 17 GB)
bash tools/android
install 32bit libraries
sudo dnf install zlib.i686 libstdc++.i686 libstdc++-devel.i686
set SDK dir environment variable
edit ANDROID_HOME in ~/.profile


to generate a list of system image targets, use this command
$ android list targets
create AVD, supplying the target ID as the -t argument name “my_android6.0” and target ID (from list targets: 1 or “android-23”)
$ android create avd -n my_android6.0 -t 1 --abi "default/armeabi-v7a"
list avds
$ android list avd
start AVD (takes 100% of one of four cores)
$ emulator -avd my_android6.0

Debug using real device and JDB

list processes
$ cd $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/ $ adb jdwp
forward last process in list to tcp port
$ adb forward tcp:8700 jdwp:13358
start debugging using jdb (e.g. in Emacs M-x jdb)
$ jdb -attach localhost:8700 -sourcepath /tmp/android
stop port forwarding
$ adb forward --remove tcp:8700 or $ adb forward --remove-all
use bash script to connect
$ cd ~/Dropbox/Programming/Android/
$ bash
list and select threads
> threads
> thread 0xc142056538
> suspend 0xc142056538 > cont
list breakpoints
> stop
load class
> class com.example.macroid.starter.GreetingActivity
list methods in class
> methods com.example.macroid.starter.GreetingActivity
set breakpoint
> stop in com.example.macroid.starter.GreetingActivity.save_button()
clear breakpoint
> clear com.example.macroid.starter.GreetingActivity.save_button()

ADB shell operations

connect to interactive shell
adb shell
navigate and list files
shell@android:/ $ cd /storage/sdcard0/Download/
shell@android:/ $ ls
batch command
$ adb shell "ls /storage/sdcard0/Download/"


Create new project

create ant build file in project directory (name and target are optional)
android create project --name test_project --target 1 --path /home/xps13/Dropbox/GitHub/android-project --package home.xps13.HelloAndroid --activity HelloAndroid
run if build.xml file missing (e.g. created from Eclipse) or file missing
android update project --path . --target android-23 --subprojects

Contents of new project

– res
—- main.xml
– src
—- home/xps13/HelloAndroid/

  • setContentView(R.layout.main);


<LinearLayout ...>  
  <TextView ... android:text="Hello World, HelloAndroid"  

Example applications




25 August 2015

