CBS Statistics Netherlands

First, we define the API URI and the dataset ID

api <- ""
## DSD <- "82572ENG" # Input-Output: "83068ENG"
DSD <- "7425eng"

CBS Data

Finally, we return a dataset

scheme <- "TypedDataSet"
# print query
cbsODataAPI(api=api, DSD=DSD, scheme=scheme, query=TRUE)
## [1] ""
cbs_data <- cbsODataAPI(api=api, DSD=DSD, scheme=scheme, query=FALSE)
## knitr::kable(cbs_data[1:n_table, 1:6])
ID Periods Volume_1 FatContent_2 ProteinContent_3 Butter_4 Cheese_5
0 1995MM01 911676 4.58 3.54 14380 58071
1 1995MM02 837617 4.52 3.48 12263 53419
2 1995MM03 940083 4.51 3.46 12699 59799
3 1995MM04 935337 4.50 3.44 12702 57396
4 1995MM05 985108 4.34 3.45 11979 59326
cbs_df <- cbsOdataDFgather(cbs_data)

ggthemr::ggthemr('flat', spacing = 0.5, type = 'inner')

p <-
cbs_df %>%
  dplyr::filter(!TOPIC %in% c("Volume_1", "FatContent_2", "ProteinContent_3",
                              "WholeMilkPowder_7", "SkimmedMilkPowder_8")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Periods, y = VALUE, fill = TOPIC, color = factor(0))) +
    # position="identity",
    ## alpha = 0.5
  ) +
  ## scale_fill_ipsum() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c(
        ## '#3498db',                      # blue
        'transparent',                      # blue
        ## '#f1c40f',                      # yellow
        "#F92672",                      # pink
        ## '#e74c3c',                      # red
        'transparent',                      # red

        ## '#2ecc71'                       # green
        'transparent'                       # green
        )) +
  scale_x_date(expand=c(0,0)) +
  scale_y_comma() +
  ## labs(title="Milk supply and dairy production",
  ##      subtitle="Monthly, January 1995 - May 2015",
  ##      caption="Source: https:/") +
  theme_ipsum_rc(grid="XY") +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(hjust=c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1))) +
  ## theme(legend.position="right") +
  ## guides(color = guide_legend(show = FALSE)) +
  scale_color_manual(guide = FALSE, values = "black") +
  theme(legend.position=c(0.30, 0.95),
        legend.direction = "horizontal") # +
  ## annotate("text", x = as.Date("2005-01-01"), y = 70000,
  ##          label = "CHEESE", size = 12, color = "blue")
## Warning: Removed 268 rows containing missing values (position_stack).

## head(cbs_df)

## cbs_xts <-
##   cbs_df %>%
##   dplyr::filter(!TOPIC %in% c("Volume_1")) %>%
##   cbsOdataDFtoXTS()

## cbs_xts %>%
##   dygraphs::dygraph()