SBB StatBank Statistics Norway

Statistics Norway Data

baseURL <- ""
## flow <- "OrgsatEksUlonn"
## req_uri <- as.character(ssb_tables$Statistic[ssb_tables$ID==flow])[1]
## flow <- "SnusUtdKj"
req_uri <- ""

## req_uri <- file.path(baseURL, path, flow)
bottom_node <- pxweb::get_pxweb_metadata(req_uri)
dims <- pxweb::get_pxweb_dims(bottom_node)
## dims_list <- as.list(rep("*", length(names(dims))))
## names(dims_list) <- names(dims)
dims_list <- lapply(dims, function(x) sample(x$values, min(3, length(x$values))))
pxweb_data <-                           # retrieve data
           url = req_uri,
           dims = dims_list,
           clean = TRUE)
sex level of education year contents values
Both sexes Below upper secondary level 2012 Takes snuff daily (per cent) 12
Both sexes Below upper secondary level 2014 Takes snuff daily (per cent) 14
Both sexes Below upper secondary level 2015 Takes snuff daily (per cent) 15
Both sexes Below upper secondary level 2012 Takes snuff occasionally (per cent) 6
Both sexes Below upper secondary level 2014 Takes snuff occasionally (per cent) 6
Both sexes Below upper secondary level 2015 Takes snuff occasionally (per cent) 6
Both sexes Tertiary education 2012 Takes snuff daily (per cent) 7
Both sexes Tertiary education 2014 Takes snuff daily (per cent) 6
Both sexes Tertiary education 2015 Takes snuff daily (per cent) 7
Both sexes Tertiary education 2012 Takes snuff occasionally (per cent) 3

## unique(pxweb_data$`type of activity`)
## unique(pxweb_data$`level of education`)
## dput(unique(pxweb_data$`how often during the last 12 months`))
## str(pxweb_data)
data_plot <- pxweb_data

## data_plot$`how often during the last 12 months` <-
##   factor(data_plot$`how often during the last 12 months`,
##          levels = c(
##            "not at all",
##            "a few times during the last three months or less often", 
##            "every day (by and large)"
##          ))

p <-
  data_plot %>%
  filter(!(sex %in% c("Both sexes"))) %>%
  ## filter(!(`level of education` %in% c("total"))) %>%
  ## filter(observations %in% c("Estimated numbers in thousands")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = values, fill = contents)) +
  ## geom_point() +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity") +
    ## facet_grid(`level of education` ~ `sex`) +
    facet_grid(sex ~ `level of education`) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#F92672", "black")) +
scale_x_discrete(name = NULL, expand = c(0,0)) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Estimated Numbers", expand = c(0,0)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "top")
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).